

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Peanut Butter Falcon, Ad Astra, Blinded by the Light, Downton Abbey, Where’d You Go Bernadette

Peanut Butter Falcon: At some point I, as a person, need to just come out and admit that I am a sucker for affecting stories about kids with Down syndrome. ***1/2

Ad Astra: Brad Pitt is very lonely in space, and the movie is saying stuff if not batting you over the head with it. Intriguing, gorgeous, but maybe not interesting in the end. ***1/4

Blinded by the Light: A movie that deserves the Feel-Good Movie tag, with quality music and performances. ***1/2

Downton Abbey: Like a two-hour episode of Downton Abbey, yes. I actually thought the show was OK for a few seasons, then it lost me. This had its moments. ***1/4

Where’d You Go, Bernadette: Where did she go? Nowhere interesting. Ha ha haaaa… I dunno, there’s some cool ideas here but it feels like a miss for Rich Linklater and crew. **1/2