

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Judy, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Jojo Rabbit, Ford v Ferrari, 1917

Judy: The hype around Renée Zellweger is real, she becomes Judy Garland so much that without much reference I now feel like I get what Judy Garland sounded and acted like. The movie is better than hyped too, and there’s more going on than just the performance – even if the performance is legendary. ****

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: Ol’ Quentin Tarantino is at it again, creating fun movies packed with fun. This one’s got Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio’s charismatic asses carrying it, while Margot Robbie walks around town heading towards certain doom. The Bruce Lee and compound visit scenes are phenomenal. ****1/4

Jojo Rabbit: The imaginary friend Hitler gag is just too good, and Taika Waititi manages to make a whole brilliant movie around it. ****1/2

Ford v Ferrari: Lots of talking and racing, but it’s fun talking and racing, it’s all carried by two great central performances: Christian Bale and… Tracy Letts, who kills it as Ford Jr. ***3/4

1917: The one-shot war movie delivers – I can’t say I liked it head and shoulders above other takes on war, but the score and camera gimmick makes it something memorable. ****