

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Beirut, Tomb Raider, Rampage, Disobedience, Tully

Beirut: Jon Hamm FINALLY does something interesting at the movies! Just a great CIA thriller that remains interesting throughout and has a whole lot of Middle Eastern spy INTRIGUE! ***1/2

Tomb Raider: Possibly the best possible Tomb Raider movie, even if it isn’t all that good. The first half is actually interesting as Lara Croft explores her past and prepares for jungle action, but once she hits the jungle it loses all steam. **3/4

Rampage: This is exactly as promised and between this and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, it appears that The Rock and his team have absolutely perfected the stupid blockbuster. Just a whole lot of silly fun – animals are wrecking shit, The Rock is infallible, and the lead heels are hamming it up. Maybe needed a bit more ape going crazy. But a fun movie. ***1/2

Disobedience: A very slow movie with some very good acting. The eventual payoff is excellent too. And Rachel McAdams and Rachel Weisz have a sex scene, which I probably don’t need to mention but I might as well. ***1/4

Tully: Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody are still collaborating and they are older and wiser and less whimsical but still know how to make a strong movie. As a new dad who watched this with the mother of our new son, the montage of new motherhood GETS IT – OW. ***3/4