

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: The Smurfs, Kung Fu Panda, Moneyball, Source Code, The Hunger Games

The Smurfs: Not sure what I expected. DUD

Kung Fu Panda: Delightful kids movie with fun jokes, impressive cartoon action sequences, pretty colors, and awesome voice work by Jack Black. ****

Moneyball: Quality filmmaking, quality acting, an engaging movie about baseball statistics. ****1/4

Source Code: Duncan Jones is a talented director -what could’ve been a goofy sci-fi concept movie was actually a compelling bit of film. ***1/2

The Hunger Games: This is a pretty straightforward adaptation of the first Hunger Games – the source material is strong and interesting, but there wasn’t much life to this one, and the handheld gimmick didn’t do it for me. I actually preferred the later ones that leaned more into the craziness. ***1/2