

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Rio, Your Highness, X-Men: First Class, What’s Your Number?, The Trip

Rio: Formulaic kiddo stuff, but a very pretty looking movie. **1/2

Your Highness: A failed attempt at a stoner classic. James Franco and Danny McBride were at the peak of their powers here and whoooooosh. DUD

X-Men: First Class: An awesome movie that was way deeper than it had any right to be. It wasn’t quite Nolan Batman, but felt far more premium in quality and atmosphere to most of the Marvel movies. An awesome cast of young talented actors is highlighted by Michael Fassbender, who’s multi-language scene made me sweat. ****1/2

What’s Your Number?: Anna Farris has this mythic power to make even the dumbest Hollywood sex comedy a pretty fun time. She used it here. **3/4

The Trip: Two funny fellas go on a trip. Sometimes it’s funny. Sometimes it’s boring. **3/4