HARDCORE TV 1 (4/6/93)
– Jay Sulli, Stevie Wonderful and Terry Funk on commentary
#- Tod Gordon talks about the ECW TV Title Tournament and introduces Terry Funk on commentary; Eddie Gilbert comes out and is challenged by Funk
1. ECW Tag Team Title: The Super Destroyers (Super Destroyer #1 & Super Destroyer #2) w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III [c] vs. The Hell Riders (EZ Ryder & HD Ryder) *
#- Terry Funk interviews Hunter Q. Robbins III
– The Sandman video package
– Terry Funk interviews Ironman Tommy Cairo about being undefeated
2. ECW TV Title Tournament – Round 1: Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Wildman Sal Bellomo w/ The Cosmic Commander (Johnny Hotbody interferes) *
3. Tony Stetson vs. Rockin’ Rebel 1/4
#- Rockin’ Rebel ringside interview on The Sandman
#- Jimmy Snuka with Tigra ringside interview saying he just signed a contract; Eddie Gilbert says Snuka is his first acquisition for Hot Stuff International
#4. ECW TV Title Tournament – Round 1: Jimmy Snuka w/ Eddie Gilbert and Tigra vs. Larry Winters **
– Wildman Sal Bellomo demands another match
5. Wildman Sal Bellomo w/ The Cosmic Commander vs. Herve Renesto 3/4
– ECW Special Announcement: Asks for Dream Match suggestions
HARDCORE TV 2 (4/13/93)
– Jay Sulli, Stevie Wonderful and Terry Funk on commentary
– Eddie Gilbert is introduced as guest commentator but is interrupted and replaced by Terry Funk
#1. ECW TV Title Tournament – Round 1: Glen Osbourne vs. Johnny Hotbody (Ironman Tommy Cairo interferes) **
– Terry Funk interviews Glen Osbourne
2. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters vs. The Samoan Warrior & Chris Michaels 1/2*
– Terry Funk interviews Tony Stetson and Larry Winters; Hunter Q. Robbins III interrupts; The Super Destroyers attack Stetson and Winters
– Terry Funk interviews The Sandman
3. ECW Heavyweight Title: The Sandman [c] w/ Miss Peaches vs. The Kodiak Bear *1/4
4. ECW TV Title Tournament – Round 1: JT Smith vs. Eddie Gilbert w/ Tigra *1/4
– Jay Sulli protests the finish
5. Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Super Ninja (JIP; Johnny Hotbody interferes) N/A
– Terry Funk and Tod Gordon discuss the ECW TV Title Tournament
HARDCORE TV 3 (4/20/93)
– Jay Sulli, Stevie Wonderful and Terry Funk on commentary
– Eddie Gilbert apologizes to Terry Funk
1. The Super Destroyers w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Super Ninja & The Canadian Wolfman *
– Terry Funk interviews Hunter Q. Robbins III; Eddie Gilbert attacks Funk
2. ECW TV Title Tournament – Semi Final: Jimmy Snuka w/ Eddie Gilbert vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo (Gilbert joins commentary as Terry Funk) 1/2
#- Jay Sulli interviews Eddie Gilbert (impersonating Terry Funk) with Jimmy Snuka on Terry Funk; Gilbert promo about Snuka and the ECW TV Title
– Eddie Gilbert offers Glen Osbourne a chance to leave
3. ECW TV Title Tournament – Semi Final: Glen Osbourne vs. Eddie Gilbert w/ Tigra 3/4
#- Jay Sulli protests the finish; Terry Funk attacks Gilbert and cuts a promo
– Rockin’ Rebel calls out Miss Peaches and demands a kiss; Peaches slaps Rebel
4. Rockin’ Rebel vs. Frank Cody 1/2*
#- Rockin’ Rebel grabs Miss Peaches by the hair; The Sandman makes the save but Rebel breaks his surfboard over his head
#5. ECW TV Title Tournament – Final: Jimmy Snuka w/ Eddie Gilbert vs. Glen Osbourne (Tod Gordon replaces Wonderful on commentary) 3/4*
– Stevie Wonderful (spelled Stevie Wonderfool?) tries to get comments from The Sandman; Miss Peaches answers crying and says they can’t talk
HARDCORE TV 4 (4/27/93)
#- Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful on commentary
– Eddie Gilbert joins as guest co-host and and introduces tape of him vs. Terry Funk; Tod Gordon says censors won’t allow it on-air and Funk will comment next week
– Hunter Q. Robbins III offers Tony Stetson and Larry Winters $500 if they can beat The Super Destroyers
1. $500 on the Line – ECW Tag Team Title: The Super Destroyers w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III [c] vs. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters *1/2
– The Super Destroyers and Tony Stetson & Larry Winters brawl
#- Eddie Gilbert interrupts match introductions for Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. Glen Osbourne to introduce Magnificent Muraco and Jimmy Snuka
– The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Johnny Hotbody) promo on their new names
#2. Ironman Tommy Cairo & JT Smith vs. The Suicide Blondes (Christopher Candido & Jonathan Hotbody) **
#- Jimmy Snuka & Magnificent Muraco promo on Hot Stuff International
#3. Jimmy Snuka & Magnificent Muraco w/ Eddie Gilbert vs. The Hell Riders *1/4
– Jay Sulli introduces tape of the Rockin’ Rebel/Sandman surfboard angle
4. ECW Heavyweight Title: The Sandman [c] w/ Miss Peaches vs. Rockin’ Rebel w/ Tigra (JIP) **
– ECW TV Title Tournament recap
– Hunter Q. Robbins III ringside interview on Tony Stetson and Larry Winters
HARDCORE TV 5 (5/4/93)
– Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon run down the card
– Terry Funk promo from Double Cross Ranch
#1. Magnificent Muraco & Eddie Gilbert vs. JT Smith & Glen Osbourne (Paul E. Dangerously debuts and interferes) *1/2
#- Paul E. Dangerously (debut) with Eddie Gilbert, Jimmy Snuka and Magnificent Muraco in-ring promo on the merger of The Dangerous Alliance and Hot Stuff International
– Hunter Q. Robbins III promo saying Tony Stetson & Larry Winters will not get a rematch if they lose
2. ECW Tag Team Title: The Super Destroyers [c] w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters *1/4
– Wildman Sal Bellomo promo on The Sandman
3. ECW Heavyweight Title: The Sandman [c] w/ Miss Peaches [c] vs. Wildman Sal Bellomo
– Rockin’ Rebel with Tigra promo on The Sandman
4. Rockin’ Rebel w/ Tigra vs. Ernesto Benefico *
– Tod Gordon hands Hunter Q. Robbins III a contract for next week: The Destroyers vs. Stetson & Winters in a Titles vs. Hair match with Robbins handcuffed to Tommy Cairo
– Johnny Hotbody and Chris Candido promo on taking their proper names
5. Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Jonathan Hotbody w/ Christopher Candido (match cuts due to time) N/A
HARDCORE TV 6 (5/11/93)
#- Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon run down the card and announce a Texas Chain Match between Terry Funk and Eddie Gilbert; Paul E. Dangerously joins and introduces himself to Gordon
#- Terry Funk promo from Double Cross Ranch; Eddie Gilbert’s “brother” challenges him and Funk runs him over with his tractor and laughs
1. Titles vs. Hair – ECW Tag Team Title: The Super Destroyers [c] w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters (Robbins handcuffed to Ironman Tommy Cairo ) 1/2
– Paul E. Dangerously introduces The Dangerous Alliance (Jimmy Snuka, Magnificent Muraco and Eddie Gilbert)
2. Jimmy Snuka & Eddie Gilbert w/ Magnificent Muraco vs. JT Smith & Max Thrasher (Paul E. Dangerously on commentary) *
– Wildman Sal Bellomo promo on kids
3. Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. The Canadian Wolfman 3/4
4. Lumberjack Match: Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Jonathan Hotbody (Hunter Q. Robbins III interferes) 3/4*
#- Last Week: Terry Funk promo from Double Cross Ranch on Eddie Gilbert and the Texas Chain Match
5. Mixed Tag Team Match: The Sandman & Miss Peaches vs. Rockin’ Rebel & Tigra (match cuts due to time) 1/2*
HARDCORE TV 7 (5/18/93)
– Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful introduce the show
– Paul E. Dangerously calls out Tod Gordon who warns him; Magnificent Muraco backs up Dangerously and calls out The Sandman
1. Titles vs. Hair – ECW Tag Team Title: The Super Destroyers [c] w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters (Robbins handcuffed to Tommy Cairo) (Hardcore TV 5/11/93) 1/2
2. Jimmy Snuka & Eddie Gilbert w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. JT Smith & Max Thrasher (Thrasher turns on Smith) 3/4
#- Terry Funk promo from the Double Cross Ranch on Eddie Gilbert
– The Suicide Blondes announce that they are now Sirs after a tour of England
3. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters vs. The Suicide Blondes (Wildman Sal Bellomo as Super Destroyer #3 appears at ringside) *1/2
– The Suicide Blondes attack Tony Stetson and Larry Winters
– Paul E. Dangerously introduces Magnificent Muraco
4. Magnificent Muraco w/ Paul E. Dangerously, Eddie Gilbert and Jimmy Snuka vs. Glen Osbourne *
5. Miss Peaches and Tigra Barred from Ringside – ECW Heavyweight Title: The Sandman [c] vs. Rockin’ Rebel (Peaches and Tigra interfere) *1/2
– Super Destroyer #3 appears at ringside and says he’s coming next week
HARDCORE TV 8 (5/25/93)
1. Super Destroyer #3? (Sal Bellomo) vs. HD Ryder w/ EZ Ryder 1/4*
– The Super Destroyers with Hunter Q. Robbins III attack and unmask Bellomo
2. ECW Tag Team Title: Tony Stetson & Larry Winters [c] vs. The Suicide Blondes *3/4
#- Tod Gordon announces the Terry Funk/Eddie Gilbert Texas Chain Match and tries to introduce a Funk promo; Paul E. Dangerously with Magnificent Muraco interrupts and says it’s an embarrassment that they’re there; Gordon signs Muraco vs. Sandman
#3. Magnificent Muraco w/ Paul E. Dangerously, Jimmy Snuka and Eddie Gilbert vs. Ernesto Benefico *
– Terry Funk promo from Double Cross Ranch with Eddie Gilbert’s “brother”
4. JT Smith & Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Max Thrasher & The Canadian Wolfman *1/4
5. ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously, Eddie Gilbert and Magnificnent Muraco vs. Glen Osbourne *1/4
– Eddie Gilbert yells at Tod Gordon about the Texas Chain Match
#- Terry Funk promo on Eddie Gilbert and the Texas Chain Match
HARDCORE TV 9 (6/1/93)
– Paul E. Dangerously sends Stevie Wonderful to the director’s chair; Paul E. Dangerously and Jay Sulli on commentary
1. ECW Tag Team Title: Tony Stetson & Larry Winters [c] vs. The Suicide Blondes (Hardcore TV 5/25/93) *3/4
2. Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. Super Destroyer #1 w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III (Super Destroyer #2 interferes) DUD
– The Super Destroyers beatdown Bellomo; Tommy Cairo makes the save; Bellomo clotheslines Cairo
3. Ironman Tommy Cairo & Glen Osbourne vs. Jimmy Snuka & Eddie Gilbert *1/2
4. JT Smith vs. Max Thrasher (split up by the ECW Special Announcement) N/A
– ECW Special Announcement: Jay Sulli previews upcoming matches
5. ECW Heavyweight Title: The Sandman [c] w/ Miss Peaches vs. Magnificent Muraco w/ Paul E. Dangerously (Rockin’ Rebel interferes) *1/2
– Paul E. Dangerously, Magnificent Muraco, Eddie Gilbert and Jimmy Snuka ringside interview
HARDCORE TV 10 (6/8/93)
– Jay Sulli and Paul E. Dangerously on commentary
– Tod Gordon announces Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert in a Texas Chain Match Massacre; Road Warrior Hawk enters and cuts a promo challenging anybody
#- Clips from the Terry Funk/Eddie Gilbert feud; Funk promo on the Texas Chain Match; Dangerously interrupts and challenges Funk to a match with Dark Patriot
#1. Handicap Match: Road Warrior Hawk vs. The Samoan Warrior & Don E. Allen *3/4
– Road Warrior Hawk promo on Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka
– Eddie Gilbert on-location promo on Terry Funk and the Texas Chain Match Massacre
2. 16 Man Battle Royal – ECW Pennsylvania Heavyweight Title (Featuring: The Sandman, Wildman Sal Bellomo, “Ironman” Tommy Cairo, JT Smith, Glen Osbourne, Tony Stetson, Larry Winters, Super Destroyer #1, Super Destroyer #2, Herve Renesto, Rockin’ Rebel, Sir Jonathan Hotbody, Sir Christopher Candido, Max Thrasher, The Samoan Warrior and The Canadian Wolfman) *
– Tony Stetson attacks Larry Winters
– The Sandman and Miss Peaches backstage promo on his Street Fight with Rockin’ Rebel and her Cat Fight with Tigra at the Super Summer Sizzler
#- Wildman Sal Bellomo backstage promo on Sylvester Stallone and The Super Destroyers
3. ECW Tag Team Title: The Suicide Blondes [c] w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo & Glen Osbourne (Hunter’s debut as Suicide Blondes manager) *3/4
#- Hunter Q. Robbins III in-ring promo introducing Sir Richard Michaels as the third member of The Suicide Blondes; The Super Destroyers enter the ring and fire Robbins; The Super Destroyers call out Tod Gordon and demand an ECW Tag Team Title match
4. ECW Heavyweight Title: Magnificent Muraco [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. The Sandman w/ Miss Peaches (Eddie Gilbert on commentary) *1/4
HARDCORE TV 11 (6/15/93)
– Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful run down the card
– Road Warrior Hawk promo on being in ECW
– Paul E. Dangerously and Jimmy Snuka on Road Warrior Hawk
#1. ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Road Warrior Hawk **1/4
#- Road Warrior Hawk attacks Paul E. Dangerously; Eddie Gilbert, Magnificent Muraco and Dark Patriot make the save; Gilbert throws a fireball in Hawk’s face
2. The Super Destroyers vs. The Suicide Blondes w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III (JIP; Sir Richard Michaels joins The Suicide Blondes) *1/4
– Wildman Sal Bellomo calls to team with The Super Destroyers; Tod Gordon announces The Super Destroyers and Bellomo vs. The Suicide Blondes in a 6-man tag for the Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular; Bellomo demands Hunter Q. Robbins III and Gordon accepts
– Eddie Gilbert on-location promo on Terry Funk and the Texas Chain Match Massacre
– Eddie Gilbert questions Paul E. Dangerously about Dark Patriot
#3. Texas Chain Match: Eddie Gilbert w/ Paul E. Dangrerously, Jimmy Snuka and Magnificent Muraco vs. Herve Renesto *1/2
#- Eddie Gilbert calls out Terry Funk and demands Herve Renesto tell him who the King of Philadelphia is
– Terry Funk promo on Eddie Gilbert and the Texas Chain Match Massacre
– The Sandman/Rockin’ Rebel feud recap
– Rockin’ Rebel and Tigra promo on The Sandman and Miss Peaches; The Sandman and Peaches promo on Rockin’ Rebel and Tigra
– Paul E. Dangerously and Dark Patriot promo on Terry Funk
#4. Terry Funk vs. Dark Patriot w/ Paul E. Dangerously (Eddie Gilbert interferes) **3/4
– Jay Sulli cuts in and says censors have deemed the footage too violent for TV
HARDCORE TV 12 (6/22/93)
– Paul E. Dangerously intro promo
– Last Week on ECW: Snuka vs. Hawk for the TV Title and Gilbert throws a fireball in Hawk’s face
– Paul E. Dangerously is introduced as co-host with Jay Sulli; Stevie Wonderful confronts him; Tod Gordon joins and says Eddie Gilbert isn’t the King of anything
– Stevie Wonderful interviews Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Koloff on their debut
1. ECW Heavyweight Title: Magnificent Muraco [c] w/ Eddie Gilbert vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo *3/4
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo introducing Dark Patriot
#2. JT Smith vs. Dark Patriot w/ Eddie Gilbert (Smith and Patriot go off the balcony) **
– Tony Stetson and Rockin’ Rebel interview on Larry Winters and The Sandman
3. The Sandman & Larry Winters vs. Rockin’ Rebel & Tony Stetson **
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo from the ECW production truck introducing an Eddie Gilbert video
4. Wildman Sal Bellomo & The Super Destroyers vs. The Suicide Blondes (Sir Jonathan Hotbody, Sir Christopher Candido & Sir Richard Michaels) w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III *1/2
– Paul E. Dangerously gets punched; Hot Stuff International runs in and attacks The Super Destroyers and Bellomo with trash cans
HARDCORE TV 13 (6/29/93)
– Paul E. Dangerously, Tod Gordon and Jay Sulli on commentary
– Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon discuss the Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular
1. Texas Chain Match Massacre: Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert w/ Paul E. Dangerously (clips; Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular 6/19/93) N/A
– Terry Funk demands Hair and Mask matches with Eddie Gilbert and Dark Patriot
– Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Koloff backstage promo on Vladimir’s debut
2. Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Koloff vs. Glen Osbourne & Herve Renesto *1/2
– Paul E. Dangerously introduces a video of Eddie Gilbert as the King of Philadelphia
#3. Grudge Match: Larry Winters vs. Tony Stetson **
#- Larry Winters/Tony Stetson pull-apart brawl
4. Jimmy Snuka w/ Magnificent Muraco and Dark Patriot vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo *3/4
– Terry Funk protests the finish and gets the decision reversed
– Wildman Sal Bellomo promo on midgets and The Suicide Blondes
– Hunter Q. Robbins III and Sir Richard Michaels promo on Sal Bellomo and The Super Destroyers
5. Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. Sir Richard Michaels w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III *1/4
– Sir Christopher Candido and Sir Jonathan Hotbody attack Bellomo; The Super Destroyers make the save
HARDCORE TV 14 (7/6/93)
– Jay Sulli, Paul E. Dangerously and Tod Gordon introduce the show; Gordon tells Dangerously he’s had enough of The Dangerous Alliance
#- Hunter Q. Robbins III introduces two kid fans of The Suicide Blondes who end up being Super Destroyers fanss
– Paul E. Dangerously interviews Hunter Q. Robbins III and The Suicide Blondes
1. Masks vs. Titles – ECW Tag Team Title: The Suicide Blondes (Sir Jonathan Hotbody & Sir Richard Michaels) [c] w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. The Super Destroyers w/ Wildman Sal Bellomo (Candido replaces Michaels mid-match) *1/4
– The Sandman with Miss Peaches promo on Ivan Koloff
– Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Koloff interview on The Sandman
2. The Sandman w/ Miss Peaches vs. Ivan Koloff w/ Vladimir Koloff (Rockin’ Rebel blinds Peaches) *1/2
– Stevie Wonderful interviews Hunter Q. Robbins III who offers a Loser Leaves Town stipulation to get a Tag Titles rematch
3. Magnificent Muraco, Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot w/ Jimmy Snuka vs. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo, Larry Winters & Glen Osbourne **1/4
– The King of Philadelphia Visits South Street with Jay Sulli
– Jay Sulli interviews Eddie and Freddie Gilbert / Kevin Christian
– Tod Gordon announces The Super Destroyers vs. The Suicide Blondes in an ECW Tag Team Titles vs. Blondes Leave Town match with Hunter Q. Robbins III handcuffed to Sal Bellomo
– The Super Destroyers and Wildman Sal Bellomo promo on Hunter Q. Robbins III
4. Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. Sir Christopher Candido w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III 1/2*
– The Super Destroyers and Bellomo brawl with The Suicide Blondes; Hunter Q. Robbins III attacks Stevie Wonderful; The Super Destroyers stomp on Candido’s arm
HARDCORE TV 15 (7/20/93)
– Last Week on ECW: The Super Destroyers/Suicide Blondes brawl
– Tod Gordon announces he will suspend people if they don’t belong at ringside; Terry Funk scares off Paul E. Dangerously and challenges Jimmy Snuka for the ECW TV Title
– Hunter Q. Robbins with Sir Christopher Candido promo
1. If The Suicide Blondes Lose, They Leave ECW – ECW Tag Team Title: The Super Destroyers [c] vs. The Suicide Blondes (Sir Jonathan Hotbody & Sir Richard Michaels) (Hunter Q. Robbins III handcuffed to Wildman Sal Bellomo) *1/2
– The King of Philadelphia Visits South Street with Paul E. Dangerousl
– Rockin’ Rebel and Tony Stetson promo on blinding Miss Peaches
2. ECW Heavyweight Title Contention Match: Rockin’ Rebel (#5) vs. Larry Winters (#9) (Tony Stetson comes to ringside) *1/4
– Paul E. Dangerously, Magnificent Muraco and Dark Patriot promo on rules
3. ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Terry Funk (Tod Gordon on commentary) *3/4
– Brawl with the entire ECW roster (Terry Funk, Jimmy Snuka, Magnificent Muraco, Eddie Gilbert, Dark Patriot, Ironman Tommy Cairo, The Suicide Blonde, The Super Destroyers, Wildman Sal Bellomo, Rockin’ Rebel, Ivan and Vladimir Koloff, The Canadian Wolfman and others); Tod Gordon calls for order and gets pushed down
HARDCORE TV 16 (7/27/93)
– Last Week on ECW: The roster brawls and Tod Gordon gets pushed
– Tod Gordon Press Conference: announces UltraClash 1 matches, suspends Rockin’ Rebel for 90 days, and strips The Suicide Blondes of the ECW Tag Team Titles
– Eddie Gilbert hosts from the ECW Control Center; introduces The Adventures of the King of Philadelphia
1. Terry Funk vs. The Canadian Wolfman (Magnificent Muraco on commentary) *1/4
– Jimmy Snuka and Dark Patriot confront Terry Funk; Road Warrior Hawk shows up (with a bandaged face) as backup; Funk and Hawk promo on Eddie Gilbert
– Eddie Gilbert complains to production staff about Terry Funk
#- The Adventures of the King of Philadelphia with Paul E. Dangerously; Gilbert asks fans to kiss his hand
2. The Sandman w/ Miss Peaches vs. Sir Jonathan Hotbody w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III *1/2
– Rockin’ Rebel and Tigra strip Miss Peaches
#- Hunter Q. Robbins III announces to the crowd that Eddie Gilbert cannot compete against Glen Osbourne; Gilbert challenges Ron Jaworski who pushes him down (Ron Jaworski’s Eagle’s Nest 7/11/93)
– Jay Sulli joins Eddie Gilbert in the ECW Control Center and asks why he’s there
HARDCORE TV 17 (8/3/93)
– Last Week on ECW: Clips from Tod Gordon’s press conference
– From the ECW Control Center: Tod Gordon plugs ECW TV Tapings and announces matches for UltraClash 1
– Paul E. Dangerously and Jay Sulli on commentary
#1. “Jazzy” JT Smith vs. Dark Patriot w/ Eddie Gilbert (Smith and Patriot go off the balcony) *3/4
– Eddie Gilbert in-ring promo suggesting he and JT Smith don’t wrestle because of Smith’s leg injury but Smith says they will
2. JT Smith & Glen Osbourne vs. Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot w/ Paul E. Dangerously (Magnificent Muraco on commentary) *1/2
3. ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo (Terry Funk on commentary) (Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular 6/19/93) *1/4
– Tod Gordon and Eddie Gilbert promote the August TV tapings; Gilbert asks if they can fire Jay Sulli
#HARDCORE TV 18 (8/10/93)
– Best of ECW special hosted by Jay Sulli and Eddie Gilbert
– Jay Sulli runs down the UltraClash 1 card
– Jay Sulli discusses The Dangerous Alliance and Hot Stuff International; Eddie Gilbert interrupts
– Highlights of The Dangerous Alliance and Hot Stuff International: Smith/Osbourne vs. Gilbert/Muraco (Paul E. Dangerously debuts; Hardcore TV 5/4/93); Dangerously promo on the merger of The Dangerous Alliance and Hot Stuff International (Hardcore TV 5/4/93); Snuka w/ Eddie Gilbert vs. Osbourne in the ECW TV Title Tournament Finals (Hardcore TV 4/20/93); Sandman vs. Muraco for the ECW Title (Hardcore TV 6/1/93); Jay Sulli asks Gilbert about Dark Patriot; Snuka vs. Hawk for the ECW TV Title (Hardcore TV 6/15/93); Gilbert throws a fireball in Hawk’s face (Hardcore TV 6/15/93)
– Highlights of The Three Musketeers vs. The Suicide Blondes: Blondes vs. Cairo/ Osbourne for the ECW Tag Team Title (Hardcore TV 6/8/93); Sir Richard Michaels as joins the Blondes and The Super Destroyers fire Hunter Q. Robbins III (Hardcore TV 6/8/93); The Blondes attack Bellomo vs. Sir Christopher Candido and The Super Destroyers make the save (Hardcore TV 7/6/93); Tod Gordon strips the Blondes of the ECW Tag Team Title (7/26/93); Wildman Sal Bellomo brawls with Sir Richard Michaels (Hardcore TV 6/15/93); Bellomo & The Destroyers vs. The Blondes (Hardcore TV 6/22/93)
– Eddie Gilbert announces Abdullah the Butcher will be his partner
– Highlights of Cairo winning the ECW Pennsylvania Heavyweight Title and the Stetson/ Winters break-up (Hardcore TV 6/8/93)
– Jay Sulli and Eddie Gilbert discuss the Battle of the Sexes Battle Royal
– Highlights of The Sandman vs. Rockin’ Rebel feud: Rebel throws ink in Peaches’ face (Hardcore TV 7/6/93); Tod Gordon announces Rebel is suspended for 90 days (7/26/93)
– Highlights of the Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Funk feud: Texas Chain Match Massacre match; Paul E. Dangerously introduces Freddie Gilbert; Dangerously attacks Gordon (Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular 6/19/93); Gordon announces that Dangerously and Freddie Gilbert have been fined (7/26/93)
– Jay Sulli again runs down the UltraClash 1 card; Eddie Gilbert asks fans to send in resumes to replace Sulli
#HARDCORE TV 19 (8/17/93)
– Jay Sulli runs down the ECW Tag Team Title Tournament brackets
– Jay Sulli runs down the UltraClash I card from the ECW Control Center; Eddie Gilbert joins and finds a fan (John Gillam) to run down the card
– Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Koloff promo on the ECW Tag Team Title Tournament
1. ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Round 1: Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Koloff vs. The Headhunters (Mofat & Mahim) *1/2
– The Koloffs and Headhunters continue brawling; Victor Quinones and Ivan Koloff flip a coin
– Magnificent Muraco in-ring interview with Tod Gordon demanding better competition; Tito Santana accepts Muraco’s challenge from the screen; Metal Maniac attacks Muraco
2. ECW Heavyweight Title: Magnificent Muraco [c] w/ Freddie Gilbert vs. Metal Maniac *1/4
3. ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Round 1: The Sandman & Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. The Suicide Blondes w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III (split up by an ECW Special Announcement showing Abdullah the Butcher highlights) *
– Tod Gordon in-ring interview on UltraClash 1; Stan Hansen runs in and chokes out Gordon with a bullrope then cuts a promo on Terry Funk and Jimmy Snuka
– Paul E. Dangerously and Jimmy Snuka promo on Stan Hansen
4. ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] w/ Eddie Gilbert vs. Stan Hansen **
– Stan Hansen attacks Eddie Gilbert and Freddie Gilbert; and cuts a promo on Terry Funk and Abdullah the Butcher
HARDCORE TV 20 (8/24/93)
– Jay Sulli runs down the card from the ECW Control Center with Eddie Gilbert’s help
– Eddie Gilbert and Dark Patriot promo
#1. ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Round 1: Ironman Tommy Cairo & JT Smith vs. Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot w/ Freddie Gilbert (Magnificent Muraco on commentary; Sensational Sherri confronts Freddie) 3/4
– Paul E. Dangerously welcomes Shane Douglas into the Dangerous Alliance; Douglas puts up $10,000 for an Open Challenge
2. Handicap Match: Shane Douglas vs. Twisted Steel (Don E. Allen) & Sex Appeal (Herve Renesto) 1/2
– The Super Destroyers promo on The Suicide Blondes
– ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Round 1: The Super Destroyers vs. The Suicide Blondes does not begin when Hunter Q. Robbins III forfeits and offers the Destroyers $25,000 to sign with him again
3. Terry Funk vs. The Canadian Wolfman (Magnificent Muraco on commentary) *1/4
#- Stan Hansen promo on teaming with Terry Funk
– Tito Santana promo on Magnificent Muraco
– Magnificent Muraco with Freddie Gilbert promo on Tito Santana
4. ECW Heavyweight Title: Magnificent Muraco [c] w/ Freddie Gilbert vs. Tito Santana *
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on UltraClash 1; Eddie Gilbert joins with a promo on Terry Funk and Stan Hansen
HARDCORE TV 21 (8/31/93)
– Stan Hansen promo on Eddie Gilbert and Abdullah the Butcher
– Jay Sulli runs down the card from the ECW Control Center; Eddie Gilbert joins and cuts a promo on Jerry Lawler
– The Sandman and Wildman Sal Bellomo promo on Ivan and Vladimir Koloff
– Ivan and Vladimir Koloff promo on Sandman and Bellomo
1. ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Semi Final: The Sandman & Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Koloff *1/2
– Tod Gordon in-ring promo announcing the Mixed Gender Battle Royal copetitors; Gilbert offers Sherri flowers
– Eddie Gilbert gets donuts delivered to him in the ECW Control Center
2. ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Semi Final: The Super Destroyers vs. Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot w/ “Fabulous” Shane Douglas (Super Destroyer #2 turns on #1) *
#3. “Mr. Danger” Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Miguel Perez Jr. vs. The Headhunters **1/2
#4. Stan Hansen & Tito Santana vs. Magnificent Muraco & Shane Douglas (split up by an ECW Special Announcement showing Abdullah the Butcher highlights) **1/4
#- Eddie Gilbert, Jimmy Snuka and Dark Patriot run out; Eddie throws a fireball at Hansen but it hits Dark Patriot
HARDCORE TV 22 (9/7/93)
– Jay Sulli and Eddie Gilbert discuss the ECW Tag Team Title Tournament from the ECW Control Center; Gilbert says he might be leaving ECW
– Paul E. Dangerously interviews Twisted Steel & Sex Appeal on Stan Hansen
#1. Handicap Match: Stan Hansen vs. Twisted Steel (Don E. Allen) & Sex Appeal (Herve Renesto) 3/4
#- Stan Hansen promo on Abdullah the Butcher and Eddie Gilbert
– Eddie Gilbert introduces a dog to replace Jay Sulli
2. Wildman Sal Bellomo & The Super Destroyers vs. Freddy Krueger & The Headhunters (Hunter Q. Robbins III at ringside) (JIP) N/A
– Super Destroyer #2 beats down Super Destroyer #1; Wildman Sal Bellomo, Miguel Perez Jr. and Mitsuhiro Matsunaga make the save
– Sal Bellomo in-ring interview on UltraClash 1; Sherri Martel enters with a promo on the Mixed Gender Battle Royal; Hunter Q. Robbins III interrupts and Bellomo slaps him; Tony Stetson, Sir Richard Michaels and Super Destroyer #2 beat down Bellomo; The Sandman, JT Smith and Super Destroyer #1 make the save
– Paul E. Dangerously and Dark Patriot promo on the Scaffold Match with JT Smith
#3. WING Jr. Heavyweight Title: Mr. Motegi [c] vs. JT Smith *3/4
– “Fabulous” Shane Douglas and Dark Patriot attack JT Smith; Motegi runs them off
– The Sandman and Wildman Sal Bellomo promo on Eddie Gilbert and Dark Patriot
– Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot promo on The Sandman and Wildman Sal Bellomo
4. ECW Tag Team Title Tournament – Final: The Sandman & Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot (split up by an ECW Special Announcement showing Abdullah the Butcher highlights) *1/4
HARDCORE TV 23 (9/14/93)
– Last Week on ECW: Stan Hansen vs. Twisted Steel & Sex Appeal
– Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon discuss UltraClash 1 from the ECW Control Center; Gordon announces Shane Douglas as the new ECW Heavyweight Champion
1. ECW Pennsylvania Heavyweight Title: Ironman Tommy Cairo [c] vs. Tony Stetson w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III *3/4
– Tod Gordon introduces the Mixed Gender Battle Royal participants (Hardcore TV 8/31/93)
– Tod Gordon announces that Freddie Gilbert is out of the Battle Royal and Don. E Allen and Jay Sulli are in
– Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon discuss Super Destroyer #2 turning on Super Destroyer #1
– Super Destroyer #1/Super Destroyer #2 feud recap
– Super Destroyer #1 promo on his Mask vs. Mask match with Super Destroyer #2
– Super Destroyer #2 with Hunter Q. Robbins III promo on Super Destroyer #1
– Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon discuss the Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Match
2. “Mr. Danger” Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Miguel Perez Jr. vs. The Headhunters (Hardcore TV 8/31/93) **1/2
– Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon run down the UltraClash 1 card
HARDCORE TV 24 (9/21/93)
– Joey Styles on commentary
– Teaser: Dark Patriot throws JT Smith off the scaffold at UltraClash 1
1. ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] w/ Magnificent Muraco vs. Metal Maniac 3/4*
– Joey Styles discusses NWA Bloodfeast ’93 and the introduction of Woman from the ECW Control Center
– Jay Sulli promotes the Fall Fashion Swimwear Showdown
– Joey Styles introduces a clip of the finish of Sal Bellomo/ Richard Michaels Loser Gets 10 Lashes Match; the screen is censored when Rockin’ Rebel attacks Bellomo’s face
– Joey Styles phone interview with Dr. Theodore Vorhees on Sal Bellomo’s injuries
– Clips of Funk/Hansen vs. Butcher/Sullivan from UltraClash 1
– Jay Sulli interviews JT Smith on his knee injury
– Matty in the House interviews The Public Enemy on the ECW tag team division
2. The Public Enemy (Flyboy Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) vs. Ian Rotten & Jason Knight (UltraClash 1 9/18/93) *
– Jay Sulli tells Matty in the House somebody is trying to steal his car; Matty runs outside to find The Public Enemy
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on Bloodfeast ’93, the debut of Sabu and Shane Douglas
3. Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Match: The Headhunters vs. Miguel Perez Jr. & Crash the Terminator (JIP; UltraClash 1 9/18/93) N/A
– The Public Enemy outside promo on The Headhunters and their Baseball Bat Match
HARDCORE TV 25 (9/28/93)
– Joey Styles and Matty in the House introduce the show and discuss Bloodfest ’93
– Hunter Q. Robbins III promo on bringing in Sabu
– Fall Fashion Swimwear Showdown video (featuring Woman, Angel, Tigra and Jay Sulli)
– Joey Styles runs down the Bloodfest ’93 card and announces Badd Company is coming to ECW
1. ECW Pennsylvania Heavyweight Title: Tony Stetson [c] w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo **
– Joey Styles discusses Rockin’ Rebel injuring Wildman Sal Bellomo
2. Wildman Sal Bellomo vs. The Canadian Wolfman 1/4*
– Joey Styles thanks Wildman Sal Bellomo
– Clips of the Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Match mixed with a Public Enemy promo on The Headhunters
#- Kevin Sullivan beach promo on Abdullah the Butcher; Woman says she will be at Sullivan’s side
HARDCORE TV 26 (10/5/93)
– Matches from NWA Bloodfeast ‘93 (10/1/93 and 10/2/93)
1. The Public Enemy vs. Gino Caruso & Silver Jet 1/2*
#- Sabu debuts
#2. Sabu vs. The Tazmaniac ***
– Sabu moonsaults himself through a table
– Rockin’ Rebel promo on Sal Bellomo
3. The Sandman vs. Metal Maniac DUD
#4. Steel Cage Match – ECW TV Title: Jimmy Snuka [c] vs. Terry Funk **3/4
– Terry Funk promo
– Paul E. Dangerously tries to interview Jimmy Snuka
HARDCORE TV 27 (10/11/93)
– Matches from NWA Bloodfeast ‘93 (10/1/93 and 10/2/93)
1. Terry Funk, Abdullah the Butcher & JT Smith vs. Jimmy Snuka, Kevin Sullivan & Magnificent Muraco 3/4
– Tommy Dreamer debut promo
– Sabu debut recap; Todd Gordon says Sabu is not allowed on television
2. Malia Hosaka vs. Molly McShane *
– Bad Breed promo on Badd Company
3. Badd Company (Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond) vs. The Bad Breed (Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten) *1/2
– Public Enemy promo
– Rockin’ Rebel promo on Sal Bellomo
4. Don E. Allen vs. Rockin’ Rebel DUD
– Matty in the House introduces Michaels vs. Rebel
5. Chris Michaels vs. Rockin’ Rebel 1/2
– The Sandman and JT Smith promo
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on the All New Dangerous Alliance
HARDCORE TV 28 (10/19/93)
– Matches from NWA Bloodfeast ‘93 (10/1/93 and 10/2/93)
1. Badd Company vs. The Public Enemy 3/4
– Get Well Soon, Sal Bellomo vignette
2. Jimmy Snuka vs. Chad Austin 1/4
#- Paul E. Dangerously introduces the New Dangerous Alliance (Shane Douglas, Sherri Martel and Sabu); Douglas and Sherri protest Sabu’s presence
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts tries to get a word with the New Dangerous Alliance
#- Matty in the House interviews Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth
3. ECW Tag Team Title: Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson [c] vs. The Sandman & JT Smith w/ Terry Funk (Funk turns on Sandman) 1/2*
– Terry Funk attacks JT Smith
#4. Tommy Dreamer (debut) vs. The Tazmaniac **
#- Tommy Dreamer leaves to applause
HARDCORE TV 29 (10/26/93)
– Joey Styles runs down the card and announces November to Remember matches
– Kevin Sullivan promo on Ironman Tommy Cairo (includes clips of Sullivan in action)
– Last Week on ECW: Tommy Dreamer debuts vs. The Tazmaniac
– Joey Styles announces more November to Remember matches
– Mr. Hughes promo on his debut in ECW against Johnny Gunn
#1. The Bad Breed vs. Don E. Allen & Chad Austin *3/4
– Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth looks for people to manage (Stetson & Hotbody, The Sandman, Angel, Mr. Hughes, Road Warrior Hawk)
2. Rockin’ Rebel vs. Chris Michaels (Wildman Sal Bellomo returns and Rebel) N/A
– Joey Styles recaps JT Smith’s path to challenging for the ECW Heavyweight Title
– Last Week on ECW: Paul E. Dangerously introduces the New Dangerous Alliance
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on the Phillies, Shane Douglas, Sabu, Road Warrior Hawk and Terry Funk
– Tod Gordon announces an Bellomo vs. Rebel in an Unsanctioned Metal Chair Match for November to Remember
– Badd Company vs. Jimmy Snuka & Magnificent Muraco does not begin when Public Enemy attacks Badd Company with chairs; Bad Breed brawls with Public Enemy; Snuka & Muraco are announced the winners by forfeit
– Matty in the House says he’s not sorry if anyone’s offended
– Public Enemy promo on Badd Company
– Joey Styles announces Sherri Martel vs. Madusa for November to Remember
4. ECW Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] w/ Sherri Martel vs. JT Smith w/ Terry Funk *3/4
#- Terry Funk slaps and attacks JT Smith
HARDCORE TV 30 (11/2/93)
– Matches from NWA Bloodfeast ‘93
– The Sandman and Miss Peaches promo on Shane Douglas
1. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] vs. The Sandman w/ Miss Peaches (clips; UltraClash ’93)
– The Sandman is found laid out
2. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] w/ Sherri Martel vs. Sabu w/ Paul E. Dangerously *1/2
– Paul E. Dangerously and Tod Gordon promo on a Mystery Partner
3. The Bad Breed vs. Chad Austin & Todd Shaw *
– Jimmy Snuka promo on ECW
– Mr. Hughes promo on Johnny Gunn
– Kevin Sullivan promo on his Shoot Fight with Tommy Cairo
#- Madusa/Sherri Martel confrontation in a hotel lobby
HARDCORE TV 31 (11/9/93)
– Matty in the House introduces the show
– Joey Styles introduces clips to promote November to Remember
– Madusa/Sherri Martel confrontation in a hotel lobby (Hardcore TV 11/2/93)
1. Tommy Dreamer (debut) vs. The Tazmaniac ** (Hardcore TV 10/19/93)
– Joey Styles tries to interview Jason the Sexiet Man on Earth
– Wildman Sal Bellomo/Rockin’ Rebel feud recap
– Clips of Kevin Sullivan in advance of his Shoot Fight with Tommy Cairo
– Hunter Q. Robbins III, Johnny Hotbody and Tony Stetson bumper promo
– The Public Enemy/Badd Company feud recap
2. 3-Way Steel Cage Match: Badd Company vs. The Public Enemy vs. The Bad Breed *3/4
#- Mr. Hughes harasses Joey Styles and cuts a promo on Johnny Gunn
– Clips of Sabu
3. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] w/ Sherri Martel vs. Sabu w/ Paul E. Dangerously *1/2 (Hardcore TV 11/2/93) *1/2
– Road Warrior Hawk telephone interview on Sabu and Road Warrior Hawk
– Terry Funk telephone interview on Road Warrior Hawk, Sabu and his mystery partner
#- The Top 10 Reasons You Should be at November to Remember
– Paul E. Dangerously picks Road Warrior Hawk as Sabu’s partner at November to Remember; Terry Funk begins to announce his but Sabu attacks Funk
– Matty in the House runs down the November to Remember card
HARDCORE TV 32 (11/16/93)
– Matty in the House introduces the show
– Badd Company promo challenging The Public Enemy to an Empty Arena Match
– The Public Enemy promo answering Badd Company’s challenge
– Tommy Dreamer & Johnny Gunn promo on winning the ECW Tag Team Titles
– Sal Bellomo interview thanking the fans
– Clips from November to Remember
– Sherri Martel music video
– Malia Hosaka promo on Sherri Martel
– The Public Enemy back alley promo on Badd Company
1. Jim Neidhart vs. The Sandman (Jason at ringside) (November to Remember 11/13/93) 1/2*
– Jason the Sexiest Man in-ring promo asking to be Sandman and Neidhart’s manager; Mr. Hughes lays out Sandman
#- Terry Funk post-November to Remember promo on Paul E. Dangerously and Sabu; Funk chokes Joey Styles with a string
– Matty Cam: Road Warrior Hawk and Jim Neidhart promo on Terry Funk and King Kong Bundy
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on the state of ECW, Terry Funk and Sabu
#- Badd Company promo on the Empty Arena Match; The Public Enemy attacks them; audio of a 9-1-1 call
HARDCORE TV 33 (11/23/93)
#- Joey Styles recaps The Public Enemy attacking Badd Company last week
#- Courtesy of NJ-1 TV News: The Public Enemy is arrested; Police Press Conference
#1. Kevin Sullivan w/ Woman vs. Keith Sheara **
– Woman calms down Kevin Sullivan
– Angel promo on Sherri Martel; Sherri Martel music video
– Jimmy Snuka bumper promo
– Tommy Dreamer & Johnny Gunn beat Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson for the ECW Tag Team Titles (November to Remember 11/13/93)
2. The Sandman & JT Smith w/ Miss Peaches vs. Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III **
– Hunter Q. Robbins III attacks Miss Peaches; The Sandman & JT Smith make the save
– 10 Days Ago: Mr. Hughes saves Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth from The Sandman
2. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth vs. Kyle Sheara *1/2
– Matty in the House promo on Holiday Hell main event voting
3. Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Chris Michaels (Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth on commentary) *
– Joey Styles tells Jason he doesn’t like him; Matty in the House hypes upcoming shows
HARDCORE TV 34 (11/30/93)
– Joey Styles tries to interview Miss Peaches but gets slapped by mistake; Matty in the House laughs
– The Tazmaniac video package
#1. ECW Heavyweight Title: Sabu [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. The Tazmaniac w/ Tony Rumble (Rockin’ Rebel on commentary) ***1/4
– Tod Gordon says tickets for Saturday’s TV tapings are $5
– Matty in the House hypes the Viewer’s Choice main event at Holiday Hell (clips of Road Warrior Hawk, Terry Funk, Sabu, Sal Bellomo, Kevin Sullivan, Mr. Hughes and Jim Neidhart)
2. The Sandman, JT Smith & Miss Peaches vs. Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson & Hunter Q. Robbins III *3/4
– Hotbody & Stetson attack The Sandman and JT Smith; Jason pushes down Peaches; Mr. Hughes lay out The Sandman on the floor
– November to Remember “It’s a Regret You’ll Never Forget” vignette
– Joey Styles on Special Assignment: Public Enemy/Badd Company update
– Hunter Q. Robbins promo on his treatment in ECW and revenge
HARDCORE TV 35 (12/7/93)
1. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth vs. Stormin’ Mike Norman 3/4
– Matty in the House discusses Terry Funk vs. Sabu as the Viewer’s Choice Match at Holiday Hell
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on Terry Funk’s Christmas
2. JT Smith vs. Johnny Hotbody w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III *1/2
– Kevin Sullivan attacks JT Smith before the tag match
3. ECW Tag Team Title #1 Contender Match: Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac vs. The Bad Breed 1/4
– Jimmy Snuka bumper promo
4. The Lumberjack w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Mr. X 1/4*
– Rockin’ Rebel music video
– Matty in the House provides an update on JT Smith and the ECW Tag Team Titles as Joey Styles introduces Shane Douglas
– Shane Douglas in-ring interview on Sherri Martel; Woman interrupts and propositions Douglas but is rejected
– The Public Enemy promo from jail challenging Badd Company to a Body Count Match
HARDCORE TV 36 (12/13/93)
1. Sal Bellomo vs. Don E. Allen 1/4*
– Matty in The House promo on the Body Count Match between The Public Enemy and Badd Company
– JT Smith promo on Kevin Sullivan
2. ECW Tag Team Title: Tommy Dreamer & X (Shane Douglas) [c] vs. Kevin Sulivan & The Tazmaniac w/ Woman *
– Shane Douglas, Kevin Sullivan and The Tazmaniac beat down Tommy Dreamer
#- Terry Funk “Good Men” promo; introduces The Bad Breed
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on Terry Funk/Sabu
3. The Sandman w/ Miss Peaches vs. Tony Stetson 1/2*
4. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason vs. Chad Austin (power goes out)
#- Lights Out Brawl with the whole roster; fans marvel at sitting in chairs that were used
HARDCORE TV 37 (12/20/93)
1. Tommy Dreamer vs. Shane Douglas 3/4
– Tod Gordon hypes Holiday Hell
– Jimmy Snuka music video
#- Terry Funk beats up “Sabu” and spars with Paul E. Dangerously on the mic
2. Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac w/ Woman vs. Stormin’ Mike Norman & Mike Vee 3/4
#- Paul E. Dangerously Silent Night promo
3. The Sandman, JT Smith & Sal Bellomo vs. Terry Funk & The Bad Breed (power goes out) 1/2*
HARDCORE TV 38 (12/28/93)
– Matches from Holiday Hell 1993 (12/26/93)
– Last Week on ECW: The power goes out
1. The Pit Bull (debut) vs. Chad Austin 1/2*
– The Pit Bull attacks Chad Austin; The Sandman makes the save; Jason distracts Sandman and Pit Bull injures Sandman’s arm
– Clip of Mr. Hughes with Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth beating The Sandman
– Jason the Sexiest Man on Earth promo on The Sandman
2. Rockin’ Rebel vs. Don E. Allen
#3. No DQ Match – ECW Heavyweight Title: Sabu [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Terry Funk w/ Bad Breed (clipped; Shane Douglas and Sherri Martel interfere) ***
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on Terry Funk and Shane Douglas
#- Terry Funk with Bad Breed promo on Shane Douglas, Sabu and his dog
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas on January 7th
HARDCORE TV 39 (1/4/94)
– Joey Styles discusses Terry Funk and Shane Douglas
– Clips of Terry Funk in ECW
– Joey Styles shills the Holiday Hell t-shirt and impersonates Matty in the House
1. No DQ Match – ECW Heavyweight Title: Sabu [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Terry Funk w/ Bad Breed (clipped; Holiday Hell 1993; aired on Hardcore TV 12/28/93) ***
– Mr. Hughes and Jason video package
– Clip of The Pit Bull/Sandman angle from Holiday Hell 1993
#- The Sandman with Miss Peaches promo on Pit Bull, Jason and Mr. Hughes; Jason taunts Sandman from a car and Sandman jumps on it as Peaches screams for help
– Jason joins Joey Styles with a promo on Miss Peaches
– Matty in the House shills the Holiday Hell t-shirt
– Clips of Shane Douglas in ECW
– Matty in the House runs down the January 7th show; Paul E. Dangerously joins to help and hypes up Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas and Sabu
HARDCORE TV 40 (1/18/94)
– 90-minute edition of Hardcore TV
– Sherri Martel tends to Shane Douglas
– Terry Funk with Bad Breed promo on ECW and Shane Douglas
1. Badd Company & Tommy Dreamer vs. Kevin Sullivan, The Tazmaniac & Johnny Hotbody w/ Woman *1/2
– Kevin Sullivan and The Tazmaniac attack Johnny Hotbody
– Shane Douglas music video
– Paul E. Dangerously with 911 in-ring promo; Chad Austin interrupts and gets a chokeslam
2. 911 vs. Chad Austin N/A
– Matty in the House interviews Jason
– Jason provides commentary over clips of The Pit Bull/Sandman feud
– Jason interview on the Double Dog Collar Match on February 5th
– Recorded Moments Ago: Sherri Martel gets Shane Douglas ready
#3. ECW Heavyweight Title: Terry Funk [c] vs. Shane Douglas w/ Sherri Martel (match is restarted twice; Bad Breed, Paul E. Dangerously and Tod Gordon protest the second finish) ***3/4
HARDCORE TV 41 (1/25/94)
– Tod Gordon tells The Public Enemy their match was bumped last week
1. The Public Enemy vs. Duane Gill & Don E. Allen 3/4*
– The Public Enemy promo on the Bruise Brothers
2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Dr. Disaster 1/2*
#3. Mikey Whipwreck (debut) vs. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason *3/4
4. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Terry Funk [c] vs. Pat Tanaka w/ Paul Diamond (Bad Breed, Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac interfere) **1/4
– Paul E. Dangerously with 911 promo on Sabu facing Terry Funk and Shane Douglas
5. Badd Company vs. Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac w/ Woman *1/2
– Kevin Sullivan and The Tazmaniac attack Paul Diamond; Joey Styles interviews Pat Tanaka on the phone who says The Sheik is coming
HARDCORE TV 42 (2/1/94)
– Last Week on ECW: Kevin Sullivan and The Tazmaniac injure Paul Diamond and Joey Styles interviews Pat Tanaka
1. Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac w/ Woman vs. Keith Sheara & Mikey Whipwreck **
– Joey Styles discusses the 2/5/94 Terry Funk vs. Sabu vs. Shane Douglas match
2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Shane Douglas w/ Sherri Martel **
– Shane Douglas phone statement on Terry Funk and Sabu
– Shane Douglas music video
2. Chad Austin vs. Johnny Hotbody (no finish) N/A
– Matty in the House orders a pizza and gets predictions on Terry Funk vs. Sabu vs. Shane Douglas from the ECW roster
– Tod Gordon runs down Saturday night’s card
– Jason on-location promo on The Sandman with clips of their feud set to rap music
3. The Public Enemy vs. Chad Austin & Keith Sheara (clips of Public Enemy promos and threatening Tod Gordon shown throughout the match) *
– Rocco Rock camera promo
– Tod Gordon announcement about The Public Enemy; Public Enemy shows up and Gordon puts them in a No Rules Match with The Bruise Brothers
4. 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Duane Gill DUD
– Paul E. Dangerously backstage promo on Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas vs. Sabu
HARDCORE TV 43 (2/8/94)
– Episode features clips from The Night the Line Was Crossed (2/5/94) and “It’s not a secret anymore!” tags
1. 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Mikey Whipwreck 1/4*
2. Chad Austin vs. Johnny Hotbody w/ Tony Stetson 3/4*
3. Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Sheara 1/2*
– Comments on Terry Funk/Shane Douglas from the ECW roster
– Tommy Dreamer/Jimmy Snuka face-off
#4. Jimmy Snuka w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Tommy Dreamer (Dreamer kicks out of Superfly Splash) *3/4
– Jimmy Snuka attacks Tommy Dreamer and Tod Gordon
#- Terry Funk thanks fans for the support (The Night the Line Was Crossed 2/5/94)
#- Terry Funk/Shane Douglas Press Conference leads to a brawl (The Night the Line Was Crossed 2/5/94)
HARDCORE TV 44 (2/15/94)
– Last Week on ECW: Terry Funk/Shane Douglas confrontation
– Terry Funk vs. Sabu vs. Shane Douglas ECW Heavyweight Title clips (2/5/94)
– Tod Gordon announces Shane Douglas vs. Terry Funk for; Paul E. Dangerously complains
– Shane Douglas w/ Sherri Martel vs. Chad Austin does not begin when 911 and Paul E. Dangerously arrive; Sabu attacks Douglas from behind leading to a pull-apart brawl
– Paul E. Dangerously backstage promo on Shane Douglas
1. Ironman Tommy Cairo & JT Smith vs. Rockin’ Rebel & The Pit Bull w/ Jason *3/4
– Jason and Mr. Hughes promo on Road Warrior Hawk
– Replay of Tommy Dreamer kicking out of the Superfly Splash
2. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason vs. Hack Meyers *
#- Jason, Rockin’ Rebel and The Pitbull confront The Sandman and Miss Peaches; Rebel blinds Sandman who mistakenly hits Peaches
3. The Bruise Brothers (Ron Harris & Don Harris) (debut) vs. Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson (Hotbody tries to leave but Stetson ends up leaving) *1/2
4. Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac w/ Woman vs. The Young Dragons (Paul Lauria & Mikey Whipwreck) *1/2
– Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac continue attacking The Young Dragons; The Bruise Brothers make the save but The Public Enemy clear them out
– The Public Enemy looks in Tod Gordon’s office to see who’s getting a Tag Title shot
HARDCORE TV 45 (2/22/94)
– Terry Funk/Shane Douglas feud recap
– Last Week on ECW: The Public Enemy promo on wanting a Tag Title shot
– Tag Team Title feud (Taz/Sullivan, The Public Enemy, Bruise Brothers) music video
1. Handicap Match: “Awesome” Mike Awesome vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Keith Sheara 1/2*
– 3/5/94 show hype (Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas is a Taped Fists Match)
– In the Eagle’s Nest: Johnny Hotbody promo on Tony Stetson
2. Don E. Allen vs. Tony Stetson (Johnny Hotbody on commentary) 1/4*
3. Jimmy Snuka w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Kyle Sheara *
– Jason promo on Road Warrior Hawk
– Miss Peaches music video
– The Sandman interview on Miss Peaches: “Life’s a bitch, and then you marry one”
4. ECW TV Title: Sabu [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. Pat Tanaka *1/2
HARDCORE TV 46 (3/1/94)
– Last Week on ECW: The Public Enemy promo on wanting a tag title shot
– Joey Styles announces the winners of The Public Enemy vs. The Bruise Brothers on March 5 will get an ECW Tag Team Title shot later in the night
– Jason promo from the shower saying he’s not ready for his interview
– Tod Gordon promotes the March 5 show
1. Tommy Dreamer, Ironman Tommy Cairo & Sal Bellomo vs. Jimmy Snuka, Rockin’ Rebel & The Pit Bull w/ Jason and Hunter Q. Robbins III *1/4
– Snuka, Rebel and Pit Bull attack Bellomo; Dreamer and Cairo make the save
#- Jason interview on Road Warrior Hawk; promises another surprise besides Mr. Hughes
#2. Sabu & 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Bad Breed **
– Shane Douglas with Sherri Martel promo; Shane Douglas music video
3. ECW Tag Team Title: Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac [c] w/ Woman vs. The Bruise Brothers (double pin) *1/2
– The Public Enemy steals the ECW Tag Team Titles
– The Public Enemy interview on having the titles; Sullivan/Tazmaniac and The Bruise Brothers confront them
HARDCORE TV 47 (3/8/94)
– Shane Douglas on commentary
1. Handicap Match: 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Paul Lauria DUD
– 911 chokeslams the ring crew
2. The Bad Breed vs. The Broad Street Bullies (Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson) 1/2*
– The Sandman/Miss Peaches music video
3. Chad Austin vs. The Sandman 1/4*
4. The Bruise Brothers vs. Hack Meyers & Chris Ford 1/2*
5. No DQ Match – ECW Tag Team Title: Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac [c] w/ Woman vs. The Public Enemy 3/4*
– Jay Sulli tries to talk to The Public Enemy; Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac promo; Woman introduces Crash (Bill DeMott)
6. Road Warrior Hawk vs. The Pit Bull w/ Jason 3/4*
– The Public Enemy attack Road Warrior Hawk, Sullivan & Tazmaniac attack Public Enemy; Shane Douglas attacks Sullivan & Tazmaniac; Terry Funk runs in with a ladder and attacks Douglas
HARDCORE TV 48 (3/15/94)
– Paul E. Dangerously promotes Sabu vs. The Tazmaniac for the ECW TV Title
– Shane Douglas and The Public Enemy promo on Terry Funk, Kevin Sullivan and Crash
1. Tommy Dreamer & Ironman Tommy Cairo vs. Jimmy Snuka & The Sandman w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III **
– Tommy Dreamer attacks Hunter Q. Robbins III and sets up a Superfly Splash
– Tod Gordon and Matty in the House promote Ultimate Jeopardy (3/26/94) from the Valley Forge Music Fair
2. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason vs. Billy Firehawk *
#3. Shane Douglas & The Public Enemy vs. Terry Funk, Kevin Sullivan & Crash **1/2
– Matty in the House promotes the Ultimate Jeopardy match from the Valley Forge Music Fair
#4. ECW TV Title: Sabu [c] w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. The Tazmaniac w/ Woman (Kevin Sullivan attacks Paul E. Dangerously) ***
– Sabu moonsaults through a table
HARDCORE TV 49 (3/22/94)
– Last Week on ECW: The Tazmaniac beats Sabu for the ECW TV Title
– Tod Gordon runs down the Ultimate Jeopardy card from the Valley Forge Music Fair
– Road Warrior Hawk music video
1. The Bruise Brothers vs. Chris Ford & Damien Stone *
– Tommy Dreamer/Jimmy Snuka feud recap
– In the Eagle’s Nest: Jason promo on Ultimate Jeopardy
2. Rockin’ Rebel & The Pit Bull w/ Jason vs. The Young Dragons (Jason on commentary) 3/4*
– The Tazmaniac music video
– JT Smith music video (includes clips of him vs. Mike Awesome)
#3. Pat Tanaka vs. Shane Douglas w/ Sherri Martel **3/4
– The Sandman/”Ironman” Tommy Cairo feud recap
– 911 music video
4. ECW TV Title: The Tazmaniac [c] w/ Woman vs. JT Smith (The Public Enemy confront Woman during the match and Smith defends her) DUD
#- The Public Enemy attack The Tazmaniac; Kevin Sullivan makes the save; Mr. Hughes, Terry Funk, Shane Douglas, and Road Warrior Hawk all run-in and brawl
HARDCORE TV 50 (3/29/94)
– Ultimate Jeopardy recap
1. Falls Count Anywhere: The Public Enemy vs. The Bruise Brothers (The Public Enemy attacks Joey Styles) **
– The Bruise Brothers promo on The Public Enemy
– The Public Enemy promo on the Bruise Brothers
2. Sabu w/ Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. Mike Awesome **
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on Mike Awesome and Sabu returning on April 16
– Shane Douglas celebrates winning the ECW Heavyweight Title
– Road Warrior Hawk promo on Shane Douglas
HARDCORE TV 51 (4/5/94)
1. The Bruise Brothers vs. Stormin’ Mike Norman & Unknown *
2. Kevin Sullivan, The Tazmaniac & Crash w/ Woman vs. Rockin’ Rebel, The Pit Bull Tony Stetson w/ Jason *
– In the Eagle’s Nest: JT Smith interview on winning the ECW TV Title
– Clips of JT Smith
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on JT Smith, 911 and Sabu’s opponent on April 16
– Clips from The Sandman vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo at Ultimate Jeopardy
– The Sandman promo on Ironman Tommy Cairo, Miss Peaches and Sal Bellomo
2. The Sandman vs. Sal Bellomo (Sandman rips up Bellomo’s toys) *1/2
– Road Warrior Hawk/Shane Douglas ECW Heavyweight Title hype video
3. Chad Austin vs. Hack Meyers
– The Public Enemy and Sherri Martel promo on holding gold and Sherri being exclusive
– Jason promo on Road Warrior Hawk and Terry Funk
– Shane Douglas [c] w/ Sherri Martel vs. Paul Diamond w/ Pat Tanaka for the ECW Heavyweight Title does not begin when Sherri hits Diamond with a chair; Douglas calls out Road Warrior Hawk
HARDCORE TV 52 (4/12/94)
– Shane Douglas/Road Warrior Hawk feud recap
1. The Public Enemy vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Stormin’ Mike Norman 3/4*
– The Public Enemy vs. The Bruise Brothers music video
– JT Smith/The Pit Bull promo
2. Jimmy Snuka w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. Surfer Ray Odyssey 1/2*
– Ironman Tommy Cairo promo on The Sandman
3. Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman (Sal Bellomo runs in as referee) *
– The Sandman attacks Sal Bellomo
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo about 911 and Sabu
4. Shane Douglas & Mr. Hughes w/ Sherri Martel vs. Chad Austin & Johnny Blaze *1/2
– Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes continue beating down their opponents; Don E. Allen, Billy Firehawk, Mikey Whipwreck, Stormin’ Mike Norman, Tommy Dreamer and Tommy Cairo try to save but fail; Road Warrior Hawk stares down Mr. Hughes but gets laid out
#HARDCORE TV 53 (4/19/94)
– Shane Douglas and Sherri backstage promo on Terry Funk and Road Warrior Hawk
– Terry Funk/Shane Douglas feud recap
#1. Kevin Sullivan & The Tazmaniac vs. Jimmy Snuka & RJ Powers w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III ***
– Kevin Sullivan and Woman strip Hunter Q. Robbins III
– In the Eagle’s Nest: Paul E. Dangerously and Joey Styles hype Funk/Sabu
– Moments Ago: 911 beats Crash with Paul E. Dangerously’s help
– The Pit Bull beats JT Smith for the ECW TV Title with The Public Enemy’s help
– Matty in the House interviews The Public Enemy on the ECW tag team division (clips of The Public Enemy winning the ECW Tag Team Titles, attacking Badd Company and going to jail); they steal Matty’s wallet
– Moments Ago: Mr. Hughes costs The Bruise Brothers their match against The Public Enemy; Hughes enters for his match with Terry Funk but gets attacked by The Bruise Brothers
#- Paul E. Dangerously announces that Mr. Hughes is in no condition to wrestle; Terry Funk puts a plastic bag over Dangerously’s head and Sabu attacks
#2. Terry Funk vs. Sabu w/ Paul E. Dangerously (Sabu’s handler attacks Funk) ***1/2
#- The masked handler reveals himself to be Bobby Eaton; Arn Anderson makes the save
HARDCORE TV 54 (4/26/94)
– Last Week on ECW: Terry Funk vs. Sabu ends with Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson
– The Pit Bull with Jason promo on JT Smith and The Tazmaniac
1. The Tazmaniac vs. Stormin’ Mike Norman (The Pit Bull on commentary) 3/4*
2. Badd Company vs. The Bruise Brothers *3/4
– Terry Funk and Arn Anderson promo on Paul E. Dangerously and Bobby Eaton
– Paul E. Dangerously and Bobby Eaton promo on Terry Funk and Arn Anderson
– Miss Peaches lashes The Sandman with Tommy Cairo and Sal Bellomo’s help; Woman attacks Peaches (4/16/94); The Sandman challenges Cairo to a Singapore Cane Match
HARDCORE TV 55 (5/3/94)
1. Handicap Match: 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Don Carson DUD
– The Sandman promo on the Singapore Caning Match
2. If Sandman Loses, He gets 10 Lashes: Ironman Tommy Cairo w/ Miss Peaches vs. The Sandman (Guest Referee: Sal Bellomo) 1/2*
– Ironman Tommy Cairo with Miss Peaches promo on The Sandman
– The Sandman promo on Ironman Tommy Cairo and Miss Peaches
3. Surfer Ray Odyssey vs. Eric Anderson DUD
4. The Tazmaniac vs. Johnny Blaze (The Pit Bull on commentary) 3/4*
– Jason interview on The Tazmaniac; Tazmaniac confronts Jason but Pit Bull attacks him
– Matty in the House hypes When Worlds Collide
– Terry Funk and Arn Anderson promo on Paul E. Dangerously
– Paul E. Dangerously and Bobby Eaton promo on Terry Funk and Arn Anderson
– The Pit Bull promo on The Tazmaniac
HARDCORE TV 56 (5/10/94)
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on Terry Funk; Funk confronts him about mentioning his daughters and slaps him
– In the Eagle’s Nest: Paul E. Dangerously yells at Joey Styles about Terry Funk
– Terry Funk/Sabu feud recap
– Terry Funk and Arn Anderson promo on Paul E. Dangerously
– Matty in the House introduces the Human Cage Match
1. Human Cage Match – ECW Tag Team Title: The Public Enemy [c] vs. The Bruise Brothers 3/4*
– Mr. Hughes attacks The Bruise Brothers and gets laid out
– Jason promo on The Tazmaniac
– The Tazmaniac music video
2. Kevin Sullivan w/ Woman vs. Don E. Allen 1/4*
– Ironman Tommy Cairo with Miss Peaches promo on the Singapore Caning Match
– Paul E. Dangerously (dressed in street clothes) asks The Public Enemy for help with Terry Funk; cuts a promo on the When Worlds Collide 8-man tag
HARDCORE TV 57 (5/17/94)
– Show opens with newspaper clips about Philly being “hostile”
– Matty in the House recaps Sabu/Bobby Eaton vs. Terry Funk/Arn Anderson at When Worlds Collide
#- Terry Funk promo on The Public Enemy and Paul E. Dangerously
– The Public Enemy promo on Terry Funk
1. Sal Bellomo vs. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason *
– Shane Douglas promo
– Tommy Cairo promo; Sandman attacks him with a cane and tells him to pay his bills
– The Sandman and Woman promo on Ironman Tommy Cairo and Miss Peaches
#- Paul E. Dangerously with The Public Enemy “Who is This Man” promo on Terry Funk
2. ECW TV Title: The Pit Bull [c] w/ Jason vs. Mikey Whipwreck (The Tazmaniac interferes) *1/4
HARDCORE TV 58 (5/24/94)
– Last Week on ECW: Mikey Whipwreck wins the ECW TV Title
#- Mikey Whipwreck promo on winning the TV Title; is informed of his first challenger
1. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. Kevin Sullivan **
– Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes, The Public Enemy, Terry Funk, The Bruise Brothers and Tommy Dreamer music video
#- Paul E. Dangerously hypes Sabu vs. 2 Cold Scorpio
#- Terry Funk “Hostile” promo on Paul E. Dangerously
2. Chad Austin vs. Keith Sheara **
#- Earlier Today: Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes promo
– Terry Funk is ejected from the main event
3. Tommy Dreamer, The Bruise Brothers & JT Smith vs. Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes & The Public Enemy (Terry Funk has JT Smith replace him during the match) **
– JT Smith attacks the referee
#- The Sandman with Woman promo on Ironman Tommy Cairo
HARDCORE TV 59 (5/31/94)
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on Sabu’s opponent
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts on commentary
– Earlier this Evening: Ironman Tommy Cairo beats Rockin’ Rebel; The Sandman with Woman attacks Cairo
1. Sal Bellomo vs. Don E. Allen *
– The Sandman with Woman promo on Ironman Tommy Cairo – “Pay Your Bill”
2. The Tazmaniac vs. Kyle Sheara *
– JT Smith sit-down interview on his history in ECW
– Paul E. Dangerously wonders who Sabu’s opponent is
3. The Pit Bull w/ Jason vs. “Precious” Damien Stone *1/4
– Mikey Whipwreck/Mr. Hughes music video
4. ECW Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] vs. Chad Austin **
– Shane Douglas music video
– The Public Enemy promo from South Central, LA
5. Terry Funk vs. Hack Meyers *1/2
– The Public Enemy promo on Terry Funk
#- Cactus Jack is revealed as Sabu’s opponent for June 24th
HARDCORE TV 60 (6/7/94)
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts on commentary
1. Kevin Sullivan w/ Woman vs. Keith Sheara *
– Miss Peaches goes after Woman; Ironman Tommy Cairo and The Sandman run out
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo
2. Crash (Bill DeMott) vs. AJ Power w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III DUD
3. The Tazmaniac vs. The Sandman w/ Woman 1/2
– The Pitbull attacks The Tazmaniac
4. Sal Bellomo vs. Billy Firehawk 1/4
#- Cactus Jack promo on Sabu
– The Public Enemy visit the Double Cross Ranch
5. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. Mr. Hughes w/ Jason *
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on Cactus Jack
HARDCORE TV 61 (6/14/94)
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts on commentary
1. The Bruise Brothers vs. Joel Heartwood & Dino Sendoff 1/4*
– Matty in the House introduces a replay of Mikey Whipwreck vs. Mr. Hughes
2. Falls Count Anywhere: The Sandman vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo *1/4
– The Sandman with Woman promo on “Ironman” Tommy Cairo
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo on ECW
– ECW music video
3. JT Smith vs. Hack Meyers DUD
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on Sabu v. Cactus Jack
#4. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Sabu w/ Paul E. Dangerously and 911 **3/4
– Cactus Jack promo on Sabu
HARDCORE TV 62 (6/21/94)
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts on commentary
– ECW fans predict the winner of Sabu vs. Cactus Jack
1. The Tazmaniac vs. Rockin’ Rebel w/ Jason 1/2*
– The Pit Bull attacks The Tazmaniac but gets suplexed
– Ironman Tommy Cairo with Miss Peaches promo on the Cane on a Pole Match
– The Sandman with Woman promo on the Cane on a Pole Match
– Jason, The Pit Bull and Rockin’ Rebel promo on The Tazmaniac and Mikey Whipwreck
– Mikey Whipwreck/The Pit Bull music video
2. Mr. Hughes vs. Chad Austin (finish only; Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes promo shown during the match) N/A
– Hostile City Showdown music video; Tod Gordon runs down the card
3. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. The Pit Bull w/ Jason and Rockin’ Rebel (The Tazmaniac interferes) N/A
– Jason, The Pit Bull and Rockin’ Rebel beat down The Tazmaniac
– Jason, The Pit Bull and Rockin’ Rebel promo on The Tazmaniac
4. The Public Enemy vs. Joel Hartgood & Dino Sendoff (no contest) N/A
– The Bad Breed attacks The Public Enemy but Public Enemy fights back
– The Public Enemy promo on Terry Funk
#- Paul E. Dangerously with Sabu promo on Cactus Jack
– Cactus Jack promo on Sabu
HARDCORE TV 63 (6/28/94)
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts on commentary
– This Past Friday: Terry Funk hangs Rocco Rock from a balcony (Hostile City Showdown 6/24/94)
1. The Funk Brothers (Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr.) vs. Hack Meyers & Steve Richards **
– The Public Enemy promo on The Funk Brothers
– Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes promo on The Bruise Brothers
– The Bruise Brothers promo on Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes
– The Sandman with Woman promo on “Ironman” Tommy Cairo
2. Steel Cage Match: The Bruise Brothers vs. Shane Douglas & Mr. Hughes *3/4
#- Cactus Jack promo on Paul E. Dangerously
HARDCORE TV 64 (7/5/94)
– Willie “The Scoop” Watts on commentary
– The Funk Brothers/Public Enemy feud recap
1. ECW Tag Team Title: The Public Enemy [c] vs. Phi Delta Slam (Bluto & D-Day) *1/4
– The Sandman/Ironman Tommy Cairo feud recap
– Sabu/Chad Austin music video
2. TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. Pitbull #2 w/ Jason and Pitbull #1 *3/4
– The Pitbulls beat down The Tazmaniac
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on OJ Simpson, Cactus Jack and July 16
3. Sabu vs. Chad Austin *3/4
– Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes stare down Sabu and 911 as they enter
4. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas w/ Mr. Hughes [c] vs. Tommy Dreamer (no contest) N/A
– Shane Douglas in-ring promo standing over Tommy Dreamer on Sabu, 911 and Ric Flair
HARDCORE TV 65 (7/12/94)
– The Public Enemy promo on The Funk Brothers
– Jason and The Pitbulls promo on The Tazmaniac
1. Jimmy Snuka w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III vs. The Tazmaniac *3/4
– The Pitbulls attack The Tazmaniac
– The Sandman with Woman promo on “Ironman” Tommy Cairo
2. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. The Sandman w/ Woman *
– The Public Enemy initiates Hack Meyers, the Hopeless Hoodie
– Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes promo on 911, Bret Hart and Ric Flair
– Chad Austin cuts a promo on Sabu and the fans
3. Chad Austin vs. Rockin’ Rebel w/ Jason (Austin lies down) N/A
#- The Sandman with Woman promo on Tommy Cairo ; Sandman canes himself
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on the future of wrestling
4. The Funk Brothers & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Public Enemy & Hack Meyers *
#- Shane Douglas/Tommy Dreamer pull-apart brawl; 911 and Mr. Hughes have a staredown; Sabu attacks Douglas leading to a brawl with the entire roster
HARDCORE TV 66 (7/19/94)
– Shane Douglas/Tommy Dreamer feud recap
1. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. The Sandman w/ Woman 1/2*
– The Sandman canes Mikey Whipwreck; Tommy Dreamer kisses Woman and gets caned
– The Sandman with Woman promo on Tommy Dreamer
2. Terry Funk w/ Dory Funk Jr. vs. Kyle Sheara *3/4
– Cactus Jack promo on Sabu
– The Public Enemy promo/music video
– Shane Douglas with Mr. Hughes promo on Tommy Dreamer
3. ECW Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] w/ Mr. Hughes vs. Tommy Dreamer *1/2
– Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes beat down Tommy Dreamer
HARDCORE TV 67 (7/26/94)
– 911 music video
– Paul E. Dangerously hypes 911 and Sabu at the 8/13/94 show
1. The Tazmaniac vs. Hack Meyers 1/2*
– Last Week on ECW: Tommy Dreamer kisses Woman and The Sandman canes him
– The Sandman w/ Woman promo on Tommy Dreamer
– Tommy Dreamer promo on The Sandman
2. The Bad Breed vs. Don E. Allen & Joel Hartgood **
3. Hack Meyers, Don E. Allen & Dino Sendoff vs. Rockin’ Rebel, Chad Austin & Jason (clips) N/A
– The Public Enemy music video
4. Tommy Dreamer & The Funk Brothers vs. Jimmy Snuka & The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III and Jason *3/4
– Jimmy Snuka/Hunter Q. Robbins break-up; Snuka/Tazmaniac and The Pitbulls brawl; Snuka raises Tazmaniac’s hand
– Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes with Angel promo on 911
HARDCORE TV 68 (8/2/94)
#- Mr. Hughes promo package and highlights; Mr. Hughes and Angel promo on 911
– ECW Special Bulletin: Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk is officially announced for 8/13/94
1. Bad Breed vs. Joel Heartwood & ? (finish only)
#- Terry Funk/Cactus Jack music video
2. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. Steve Richards (Heatwave Tour ’94) **
– Jason promo on Jimmy Snuka and The Tazmaniac
3. The Pitbulls vs. Phi Delta Slam 1/4
– Jason promo on Mikey Whipwreck
4. Jason w/ The Pitbulls, Rockin’ Rebel and Chad Austin vs. Keith Sheara 1/4
– Paul E. Dangerously hypes Sabu vs. 2 Cold Scorpio and cuts a promo on Angel
HARDCORE TV 69 (8/9/94)
– Mikey Whipwreck video package; Mikey Whipwreck promo on TV Title and Jason
1. Bad Breed vs. The Spiders 3/4
#- The Public Enemy promo on Baseball Brawl; sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game
2. Woman Banned from Ringside: The Sandman vs. Surfer Ray Odyssey (Heatwave Tour ’94) 1/2
– The Sandman canes Surfer Ray Odyssey
– 3 Weeks Ago on ECW: The Sandman and Woman cane Mikey Whipwreck; Tommy Dreamer kisses Woman and gets caned (Hardcore TV 7/19/94)
– The Sandman and Woman promo on Tommy Dreamer
– Hardcore Heaven and Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack music video
3. Chad Austin w/ Jason vs. Damien Stone *3/4
#- Paul E. Dangerously with 911 runs down the Hardcore Heaven card; Mr. Hughes and 911 promos
HARDCORE TV 70 (8/16/94)
#- Terry Funk/Cactus Jack match recap (chair incident at Hardcore Heaven 8/13/94)
#- The Public Enemy promo on Terry Funk and Cactus Jack
#- Terry Funk and Cactus Jack promo on The Public Enemy
– Joey Styles announces the NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament
– 2 Cold Scorpio music video; 2 Cold Scorpio promo
1. ECW TV Title: Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. Jason w/ The Pitbulls, Rockin’ Rebel and Chad Austin **
– Jimmy Snuka and The Tazmaniac attack The Pitbulls
2. Jimmy Snuka & The Tazmaniac vs. The Pitbulls 1/2*
– Jason celebration promo
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on being “mad as hell” at the NWA
– Shane Douglas promo on other World Champions
HARDCORE TV 71 (8/23/94)
– The Sandman/Tommy Dreamer Singapore Cane Match recap; The Sandman with Woman promo on Tommy Dreamer
– Dean Malenko promo on the NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament
#1. The Tazmaniac & X (Sabu) vs. The Pitbulls w/ Jason, Mr. Hughes and Rockin’ Rebel (911 interferes) *
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo on the NWA World Title Tournament and Chris Benoit
2. 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Mr. Hughes w/ Shane Douglas and Angel *
– 911 chokeslams Angel
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on the NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament
– Shane Douglas with Mr. Hughes promo on the NWA World Title Tournament
#- Cactus Jack promo on Terry Funk’s influence on him – “I don’t see shit in him”
– Replay of the Terry Funk/Cactus Jack chair incident
– The Public Enemy promo on Terry Funk and Cactus Jack
HARDCORE TV 72 (8/30/94)
1. NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament – Round 1: 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Doink *
– Tommy Dreamer/The Sandman feud recap
#2. Singapore Caning Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman w/ Woman 1/2*
#- The Sandman canes Tommy Dreamer
– NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament recap
3. NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament – Final: 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Shane Douglas **
#- Shane Douglas throws down the NWA World Heavyweight Title
– Dennis Corraluzzo interview on Shane Douglas
– Tod Gordon interview on Dennis Corraluzzo
#- The Public Enemy replaces ‘Eastern’ with ‘Extreme’ on the ECW logo
HARDCORE TV 73 (9/6/94)
– The Public Enemy video package
#1. ECW Tag Team Title: The Public Enemy [c] vs. Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck **
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck promo on winning the ECW Tag Team Title
– Tommy Dreamer/The Sandman feud recap
2. Chris Benoit vs. Chad Austin w/ Jason and Rockin’ Rebel (Tommy Dreamer promo on The Sandman and Woman during the match) **
– Jason and Chad Austin attack Rockin’ Rebel
3. ECW TV Title: Jason [c] w/ Dean Malenko vs. JT Smith 3/4*
– NWA World Heavyweight Title tournament recap
– Shane Douglas with Matt Borne promo
HARDCORE TV 74 (9/20/94)
– Shane Douglas and Borne Again promo on Borne Again being in ECW
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck promo on The Public Enemy
1. ECW Tag Team Title: Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. Chris Kanyon & Dino Sendoff (The Public Enemy interferes) 3/4*
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck and The Public Enemy brawl
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo on Shane Douglas
2. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Stormin’ Mike Norman **
– Last Week on ECW: Jason turns on Rockin’ Rebel
3. ECW TV Title: Jason [c] w/ Dean Malenko vs. Rockin’ Rebel *
– Shane Douglas interview with Japanese media; Cactus Jack congratulates him
#4. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] w/ Borne Again vs. Osamu Nishimoura (2 Cold Scorpio at ringside) **1/2
– Shane Douglas and Osamu Nishimoura in-ring promo
5. The Tazmaniac vs. Surfer Ray Odyssey *1/4
#- 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously chokeslams everybody
HARDCORE TV 75 (9/27/94)
– Tommy Dreamer promo on his I Quit Match with The Sandman
1. The Sandman w/ Woman vs. Hack Meyers 1/2*
– The Sandman canes Tommy Dreamer recap
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo and video package
2. ECW TV Title: Jason [c] w/ Dean Malenko vs. Dino Sendoff (Malenko puts Sendoff in a cravate) 1/4*
– The Tazmaniac confronts Dean Malenko; Tazmaniac/Malenko brawl
– Shane Douglas music video
– The Public Enemy promo on the ECW Tag Team Titles
3. The Public Enemy vs. Chris Kanyon & Don E. Allen 3/4*
– Cactus Jack drags Mikey Whipwreck to a brawl with The Public Enemy
4. Chris Benoit vs. Osamu Nishimoura *3/4
– Paul E. Dangerously hypes Sabu vs. Chris Benoit
– Sabu music video
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck promo on The Public Enemy
HARDCORE TV 76 (10/4/94)
– Joey Styles reports remote from the hospital
– Tod Gordon warns Jason and Dean Malenko about Malenko’s interference
1. ECW TV Title: Jason [c] w/ Dean Malenko vs. Hack Meyers 1/2*
2. Handicap Match: Dean Malenko w/ Jason vs. Don E. Allen & Dino Sendoff *
– Jason taunts The Tazmaniac; Tazmaniac runs out and brawls with Dean Malenko
– Tommy Dreamer promo on The Sandman
– The Sandman with Woman promo on Tommy Dreamer
– Joey Styles reports remotely from the hospital
3. I Quit Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman *1/2
– Woman tends to The Sandman’s cigarette burn; Joey Styles says Gabe Sapolsky will provide updates on the Hardcore Phoneline
HARDCORE TV 77 (10/11/94)
– November to Remember video package
1. The Public Enemy vs. Don E. Allen & Dino Sendoff 1/4*
– The Public Enemy promo from the streets
– Joey Styles reports that messages for The Sandman will air on next week’s show
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo on Borne Again
2. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Borne Again w/ Mr. Hughes *1/2
– Borne Again puts his clown mask on 2 Cold Scorpio
– 2 Cold Scorpio 450 splashes Rockin’ Rebel; Joey Styles promo on Borne Again
– Borne Again promo on 2 Cold Scorpio
3. ECW TV Title: Jason [c] w/ Dean Malenko vs. Mikey Whipwreck *
– The Public Enemy attacks Mikey Whipwreck; Cactus Jack saves
– Tommy Dreamer promo on The Sandman’s blindness; apologizes
HARDCORE TV 78 (10/18/94)
– Tommy Dreamer/The Sandman feud music video
– Joey Styles runs down the November to Remember II card
– The Public Enemy attack Tony Stetson and Rockin’ Rebel with baseball bats
1. The Public Enemy vs. Tony “Hitman” Stetson & Rockin’ Rebel 1/4*
– The Public Enemy attacks Stetson and Rebel more
– Joey Styles phone interview with Woman on The Sandman; Woman announces she is leaving him
– 2 Cold Scorpio promo on Borne Again
– Joey Styles interviews Ironman Tommy Cairo on The Sandman via satellite
2. Chris Benoit vs. Surfer Ray Odyssey (Tommy Dreamer demands to talk to Tommy Cario) **
– Tommy Dreamer/Ironman Tommy Cairo confrontation via satellite
#- Shane Douglas promo on Ric Flair and ECW
#3. Cactus Jack vs. Sabu w/ Paul E. Dangerously and 911 ***1/2
HARDCORE TV 79 (10/25/94)
– Shane Douglas intro
– Borne Again promo
#1. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Hack Meyers **
– Joey Styles promotes the Brawl Game Match
– The Public Enemy promo on The Pitbulls and Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck
#- Hardcore Phoneline comments on Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman
#- Paul E. Dangerously longform promo on Sabu, Cactus Jack and Chris Benoit
– Jason promo at home with the ECW TV Title on The Tazmaniac; Jason music video
– ECW Fan Cam: Tommy Cairo attacks Mikey Whipwreck and a referee; Tommy Dreamer makes the save
#2. The Tazmaniac vs. Chris Benoit (Joey Styles announces Shane Douglas vs. Ron Simmons for November to Remember II) **1/2
– Shane Douglas promo on Ron Simmons
HARDCORE TV 80 (11/1/94)
– Paul E. Dangerously hypes Sabu’s upcoming matches
1. Brawl Game – ECW Tag Team Title: The Public Enemy [c] vs. Bad Breed (Hardcore Heaven 8/13/94) **
– The Public Enemy music video and promo on Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck
– The Sandman/Tommy Dreamer feud recap
– Finish of Tommy Dreamer vs. Tony Stetson where Woman throws a Singapore cane to Dreamer
HARDCORE TV 81 (11/8/94)
– Matches from November to Remember II (11/5/94)
#1. Tommy Dreamer vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo **1/4
#- The Sandman’s Farewell Ceremony; Miss Peaches and The Sandman reconcile; Woman canes Peaches; Tommy Dreamer defends Sandman; Sandman reveals he can see and canes Dreamer
#- Tommy Dreamer promo (with his bruised back to the camera) on The Sandman and Woman
– The Sandman and Woman promo on fooling Tommy Dreamer and the fans
– Joey Styles runs down the 11/19/94 card
#2. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Mr. Hughes **1/2
3. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] vs. Ron Simmons (start of match only) N/A
– Shane Douglas attacks Ron Simmons after the match; 2 Cold Scorpio makes the save
– Shane Douglas interview on 2 Cold Scorpio and Ron Simmons; asks Sherri to come back to ECW and announces Stunning Steve Austin as his partner to face Simmons and Scorpio
– Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio promo on Shane Douglas and Steve Austin
– Joey Styles runs down the 11/19/94 card
HARDCORE TV 82 (11/15/94)
– Matches from November to Remember II (11/5/94)
#1. Brawl Game – ECW Tag Team Title: Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck [c] vs. The Public Enemy (Sabu interferes and puts Rocco Rock through a table) **3/4
#- Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck promo on Mikey being injured; Mikey announces Kevin Sullivan as Cactus’ replacement
#- The Public Enemy promo on Paul E. Dangerously, Sabu, Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan
#- Paul E. Dangerously interview on The Public Enemy, Sabu’s injury, The Tazmaniac and The Malenko Brothers (includes footage of Sabu breaking his neck vs. Chris Benoit)
– The Sandman and Woman promo on Tommy Dreamer
– The Sandman/Tommy Dreamer feud music video
– Shane Douglas/Steve Austin vs. Ron Simmons/2 Cold Scorpio setup recap
– Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio promo on Shane Douglas, Steve Austin (or Steve Martin) and Sherri Martel and Simmons being the first black World Champion
#- A guitar player plays an “Extreme Version” of the National Anthem; gets chokeslammed by 911 as Dangerously plays guitar
– Joey Styles runs down the 11/19/94 card
– Shane Douglas promo on Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio
HARDCORE TV 83 (11/22/94)
– Stevie Richards and Hack Meyers introduce their dream partners
1. Dream Partner Tag Match: Hack Meyers & Chad Austin vs. Steve Richards & JT Smith *
– Chad Austin tells the crowd to go to the nearby SMW show
– Jason with Dean Malenko promo; Jason pays Malenko
– Tod Gordon kicks Dean Malenko and the Pitbulls out; introduces 2 Cold Scorpio
#2. ECW TV Title: Jason [c] vs. 2 Cold Scorpio **1/4
– Dean Malenko attacks 2 Cold Scorpio; Ron Simmons makes the save
– Jason with Dean Maleno promo on 2 Cold Scorpio
#- Ron Simmons promo on the ECW World Heavyweight Title
3. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas [c] vs. Jim Powers **
– Shane Douglas in-ring promo
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck/The Public Enemy feud recap
– Paul E. Dangerously promo about the Malenko Brothers and Sabu & The Tazmaniac
#4. Sabu & The Tazmaniac w/ Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. Dean Malenko & Joe Malenko w/ Jason ***
#- Jason attacks Paul E. Dangerously; 911 chokeslams The Pitbulls; Sabu & Taz/The Malenkos/The Public Enemy brawl; The Public Enemy puts Dangerously and Sabu through tables
HARDCORE TV 84 (11/29/94)
– The Public Enemy promo on Sabu & The Tazmaniac
– Joey Styles hypes Holiday Hell II
#1. ECW TV Title: 2 Cold Scorpio [c] vs. Dean Malenko w/ Jason ***1/4
– Chad Austin in-ring promo praising SMW; Shane Douglas interrupts
2. ECW Title: Shane Douglas [c] vs. Chad Austin *
– Shane Douglas promo video package
– The Public Enemy/Sabu & The Tazmaniac feud recap
3. ECW Tag Team Title: The Public Enemy [c] vs. Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan (clips) N/A
#- The Public Enemy and Kevin Sullivan attack Cactus Jack; Mikey Whipwreck tries to make the save but is overwhelmed; Sabu & The Tazmaniac make the save and Sabu puts Grunge through a table
HARDCORE TV 85 (12/6/94)
– Shane Douglas with Sherri Martel in-ring promo introducing Flyin’ Brian Pillman as Stunning Steve Austin’s replacement
– Shane Douglas, Sherri Martel and Brian Pillman Hardcore Phoneline promo
– 2 Cold Scorpio and Ron Simmons promo on Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman
#1. Shane Douglas & Brian Pillman w/ Sherri Martel vs. 2 Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons **
– Shane Douglas piledrives Sherri Martel
– Joey Styles hypes Holiday Hell II
– Ron Simmons promo on Shane Douglas
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck promo on Kevin Sullivan
– The Public Enemy promo on Sabu & The Tazmaniac
#- Paul E. Dangerously promo on The Public Enemy
HARDCORE TV 86 (12/13/94)
– Last Week on ECW: Shane Douglas piledrives Sherri Martel
#- Shane Douglas promo in a shower on Ron Simmons and Ric Flair
1. Handicap Match: 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. The Young Dragons DUD
– Ironman Tommy Cairo introduces his new manager, The Virgin Princess Angel
– Jason Hardcore Phoneline promo on Holiday Hell II
– Ron Simmons promo on Shane Douglas
#- Sabu injuries recap
– The Public Enemy promo on Sabu, The Tazmaniac and Paul E. Dangerously
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on The Public Enemy and society
– Tommy Dreamer & Miss Peaches vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo & Angel for the right to face Sandman is briefly shown before cutting to a Cactus Jack promo
– Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck promo on Kevin Sullivan; Woman interrupts and The Sandman attacks Cactus
– The Sandman goes to the ring and canes Tommy Dreamer with Ironman Tommy Cairo; Cactus Jack makes the save but gets caned
– Cactus Jack (bleeding) with Tommy Dreamer promo on Dreamer, The Sandman, Ironman Tommy Cairo and Woman
HARDCORE TV 87 (12/20/94)
– Matches from Holiday Hell II
– Joey Styles introduces Santa Claus from ringside; 911 chokeslams him; The Pitbulls attack 911
1. Handicap Match: 911 w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. The Pitbulls w/ Jason **
– Woman with The Sandman promo on Cactus Jack
– Bad Breed laughs at The Pitbulls; The Pitbulls and Bad Breed pull-apart brawl backstage
– Last Week on ECW: The Sandman canes Cactus Jack
2. Cactus Jack & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman & Ironman Tommy Cairo w/ Woman and The Virgin Princess Angel **
– Tommy Dreamer teases caning Angel; Cactus Jack canes Angel, The Sandman and Ironman Tommy Cairo
– ECW January 1995 events hype video
– Earlier this Week: Steve Richards becomes Stevie Flamingo as tribute to Scotty Flamingo
– The Public Enemy Christmas Tree promo
HARDCORE TV 88 (12/27/94)
– Jason interview on the Bad Breed; challenges them to a Losing Team Splits Up match with the Pitbulls
#- The Training of the Pitbulls
1. JT Smith vs. Stevie the Body (Steve Richards) 1/2*
#- Joey Styles talks about Johnny Polo/Scotty the Body/Scotty Flamingo as Stevie the Body’s role model
– Bad Breed Hardcore Phoneline promo on the Pitbulls and Jason; accept Jason’s challenge
– Chad Austin in-ring promo praising WCW
2. Extreme Warfare Battle Royal (Featuring: Chad Austin, Mikey Whipwreck, Johnny Grunge, Axl Rotten, Ian Rotten, Pitbull #1, Pitbull #2, Steve Richards, Hack Meyers, Cactus Jack, “Ironman” Tommy Cairo , Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, The Tazmaniac, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Ron Simmons) (highlights) N/A
– Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko attack Ron Simmons
– The Public Enemy promo in Times Square on 3-on-4 Handicap Match with Benoit and Malenko against Sabu, Taz and 911
– Paul E. Dangerously promo on The Public Enemy, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko
3. ECW TV Title: Dean Malenko [c] w/ Jason vs. Surfer Ray Odyssey **1/4
4. Chris Benoit vs. Hack Meyers (Benoit KO’s Meyers) *3/4
– Dean Malenko attacks Hack Meyers; Chris Benoit calls out Sabu; Sabu and Taz run out leading to a pull-apart brawl
– Dedication to Art Barr