5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Ghostbusters: Afterlife, The Green Knight, I Want You Back, Fire Island, The Gray Man

Ghostbusters: Afterlife: The theme still rocks, Paul Rudd was here, and director Jason Reitman has made many quality films. This sucked though. If Paul Feig’s female-led reboot and the dozen other attempts at relaunching the Ghostbusters franchise since the 80s hadn’t made it obvious, there are too many cooks in this kitchen. *1/2

The Green Knight: Dev Patel can carry a film but this was like last year’s The Last Duel, where I went in expecting an medieval romp filled with action and adventure but instead got a tale way more layered but also way creepier and sometimes just plain not fun to watch. ***

I Want You Back: Charlie Day and Jenny Slate star as two people who just went through break-ups and might — might! — just get together in the end. Both were likable enough to carry this rom-com that was sometimes funny and sometimes average as heck. ***

Fire Island: Bowen Yang from SNL and Joel Kim Booster — from a lot of good things— were excellent as the leads in this Hulu movie inspired by Pride and Prejudice but with gay guys. Margaret Cho was here too, and her delivery in one scene towards the end is actually breathtaking. Now regarding the butts I saw fucked —— ***1/2

The Gray Man: The Russo Brothers can direct an action scene, I’ll tell you what. A few posts ago I joked (ish) about the very average Spiderhead being Netflix’s best original movie. Now that crown belongs to The Gray Man, with its big budget and Ryan Gosling and Captain flipping America. ***1/2