

Captain Lou's ReviewJapan

Captain Lou’s Review: Dragon Gate Truth Gate 2021 (2/21/2021)

Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka, Genki Horiguchi & U-T vs. Eita, BxB Hulk, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO

Talk about a stacked opener. The first Natural Vibes 2.0 dance in KBS Hall was a blessed sight and so was the frenetic 8-man action that followed. Horiguchi was your babyface in peril for the occasion, always good casting for him, especially when have the rest of his crew trying so hard to get a clapping-only-HAGE chant going. The beatdown section was kept to the strict minimum and everything flew smoothly from there. The Vibesters are already coming up with cool new double teams for this refreshed version of the unit, what with the sweet short-range Jumbo No Kachi into slingshot Codebreaker from U-T. ***

Ultimo Dragon & Gamma vs. YAMATO & Ben-K

Some high-level house show carny bullshit right here. Ben-K using the power of FITNESS to fend off the decrepit opposition (big gym energy), Gamma spending all of his time beefing with Keisuke Okuda at ring-side, YAMATO working his HBK trunks removal shtick in the finish. Oh buddy. **

Shun Skywalker vs. H.Y.O.

A pretty swell Skun Skywalker RAW is WAR showcase match, complete with Russo fuck finish to heat up the upcoming Kaito Ishida title challenge. Everything they did up to that point was rock-solid though. Heel scumbag H.Y.O. working the mid-section after the now mandatory R.E.D. stomach impaling + Skywalker selling, flying and beating Nitro in the ratings = all good stuff. Shun has the best monkey flip in the game and the legend H.Y.O brought all of his favorite rollups for the ending stretch. **3/4

Dragon Kid & Keisuke Okuda vs. Kaito Ishida & SB Kento

Any match with Ishida and Okuda in the ring together is a guaranteed good time. One of the best rivalries in wrestling right now. Two shootey boyz doing shootey things. Dragon Kid got his ass kicked for most of this, which continued to highlight Kento’s growth as heel. Changing the SBK chant to a KBS chant was a nice touch. Gotta adapt, baby. The match continued the OPEN THE GEDO GATE theme of the show, with a H.Y.O powder shot finish setting up the next Brave Gate program. Eh, why not. ***

Kota Minoura, Jason Lee & La Estrella vs. Diamante, Dia Inferno & Hiphop Kikuta – Open The Triangle Gate Next Challenger Tournament

Probably my favorite Dragon Gate 6-man since the Natural Vibes Triangle Gate win? God damn, this was fun. R.E.D. going after Minoura’s arm gave the heel beatdown some focus and the rest of the match was pure sprinty gravy. If you’re into high-flying shit, La Estrella is the guy to watch right now. I’ve already raved about his chemistry with Diamante (whom I suspect might’ve had a hand in training him), but he seems to be able to pull his stunts just as well with anyone else. Super cool finish between Jason and Kikuta, the hip hopper coming off as a killer with that discus lariat of death. ***1/4

Kagetora, Shuji Kondo & Yosuke Santa Maria vs. Ryo Saito, Bokutimo Dragon & Punch Tominaga – Open The Triangle Gate Next Challenger Tournament

BIG MATCH TEAM BOKU. I was ready to tap out during the aimless middle section with Maria inexplicably going heel against babyface Ryo, but in classic Dragon Gate fashion, the opening and finale were just too good. They laid most of their story around Punch getting his ass kicked by Kondo and Kage, so his eventual triumph after a wild ending stretch was extremely satisfying. Tominaga busted out all of his best high spots, summoned Yoshiaki Fujiwara to take out his bullies and then went on to outcraft Maria brilliantly for the finish. Hell yes. This rating goes out to all my Punch Tominaga stans out there. ***1/2