

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Sound of Metal, Outside the Wire, The White Tiger, The Midnight Sky, One Night in Miami

Sound of Metal: Sometimes the term character study is used to describe what was really just a boring movie, but I use that here because this genuinely assessed (or studied!) what this guy — a metal drummer who goes deaf and refuses to accept it — thought, felt, and how he changed. Tattooed cool guy with rich girlfriend who’s only goal becomes get money to get his ears fixed is a tough one to pull off as likeable, but Riz Ahmed does it. ****1/2

Outside the Wire: Another Netflix original action movie that was kind of dumb, but Anthony Mackie is so committed to his super-soldier that it becomes kind of endearing. **1/2

The White Tiger: This one went places, from quirky to violent to a sweeping crime epic. It goes so big that it almost took me out of anything it was trying to say, but Rahim Bahrani still knows how to make a movie. ***1/4

The Midnight Sky: George Clooney goes big in space, but I can’t tell you I really cared about any of it. Bearded George with a child just doesn’t pack enough punch, nor did any of the other people around. And still – some impressive goddamn filmmaking. ***

One Night in Miami: Jim Brown, Sam Cooke, Malcolm X, and pre-Muhammad Ali Cassius Clay meet in a hotel room in February 1964 and talk about everything. What a logline. Sparks fly. Great acting, pacing, and a genuinely fascinating story at a pivotal time not explored enough. ****1/2