

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Logan, Get Out, The 33, The Last 5 Years, A Deadly Adoption

Logan: This was great, a Western mixed with a superhero movie, as if it was Logan’s Last Stand. Gritty, compelling – good shit. ****1/4

Get Out: THE BEST. Funny, suspenseful satire… pitch perfect stuff. *****

The 33: Pretty straightforward stuff, but let me tell you: the end a cornucopia of happiness. **1/2

The Last 5 Years: This is a very interesting way of telling a story through a musical, with the guy moving forward and the girl moving backwards to their meet cute. Anna Kendrick rules as always. ****

A Deadly Adoption: Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig play it straight in a Lifetime thriller… this is exactly what you think it is. Ferrell’s beard is the truth. **