

5 Star Movies

5 Star Movies: Barry Munday, Pirhana 3D, You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, You Don’t Know Jack, Splice

Barry Munday: Besides a generally decent cast of folks led by Patrick Wilson and Judy Greer, there’s nothing really funny here. And it’s a movie about a guy losing his balls, so it kind of needed that. Love Wilson and Greer, but their characters are really unlikable too. *1/2

Piranha 3D: The kind of movie that premieres on SyFy now. Stupid fun. **1/2

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger: Not the most memorable of Woody Allen’s ten billion movies, but a fine little movie about lust and trying to find meaning in the world – the usual. Everyone is greedy and misguided but nobody is rewarded for it. Heck of a cast too. ***1/4

You Don’t Know Jack: Really, really good. Pacino is great as Jack Kevorkian and for an HBO biopic it does a good job of looking at the moral implications of his work.

Splice: Pretty interesting premise and suitably creepy, but it loses a lot of steam towards the end as it tries to tell a “story” and have a “conclusion.” ***1/2