IWGP Intercontinental Title: Michael Elgin [c] vs. Tetsuya Naito (9/25/16)
Well. This was a one match show. It was a good match, though nothing outside the ol’ NJ formula. Elgin doing the Naito pose sure was neat. They did some leg work. There was a lot of cool wild shit, Naito kept going back to the leg on everything, but it just didn’t hit me. Elgin wrecking everyone in Los Ingobernables de Japon was a fun payoff to all the interference. Insane lariat by Elgin towards the end with a masterpiece bump by Naito. The Elgin Bomb countered with the Destino was nuts too. End really was wild. A match you enjoy a ton in the moment then filters from your brain a few hours later. ***1/2